INDEPENDENT READING IN 8 TH GRADE ENGLISH Maria Brittingham & Joan Craver 8 th grade English teachers Red and White Teams
INTRODUCTORY FACTS To meet PA Common Core Standards, 8 th grade students read independently in English class along with English curriculum. Most 8 th grade students take a foreign language and not literature class. Curriculum is coordinated with teacher for students taking literature class. Students select their own reading materials in the fiction, non- fiction, and classic genres. Students required to read at least seven books. Materials must be selected from three genres. Proper selection of books is crucial to success. Students are urged to read in their ZPD level.
ZONE OF PROXIMAL DEVELOPMENT (ZPD LEVEL) To guide students where growth in reading will benefit comprehension, vocabulary development, and analytical skills, students should read in their ZPD level. (Differentiated instruction) For growth to occur, reading materials should not be too simplistic or too challenging. Strong independent reading skills give students ability to function as better readers on all levels in all subject areas. Students are encouraged to start reading at the lower end of the ZPD range and gradually increase. Non-fiction and classic reading selections tend to be on higher levels. (4.5 – 10.3 sample ZPD)
STAR READING TEST To establish ZPD level, students take a STAR Reading test (15-20 minute computer assessment). Test assesses comprehension, vocabulary development, analytical skills, author’s craft, etc. Test adjusts to the difficulty of each child’s test by choosing each test question on the child’s previous response. If the question is answered correctly, the level of difficulty of the next item is increased. If the question is answered incorrectly, the level of difficulty of the next item is decreased.
SUCCESS IN INDEPENDENT READING Select books of interest within deadlines to maximize reading time ~ usually one week to select book. Dates are posted on teacher websites. Read on a daily basis ~ about 4 weeks to read book and take Accelerated Reader test Computer-generated test which asks 10 to 20 multiple choice questions from entire book Students can complete assessments in 5 to 10 minutes Students are encouraged to complete assessment as soon as book is read Own the book ~ highlight key characters and events Write brief summaries on index cards to highlight main events of chapter or take notes on post-its
SELECTING THE “RIGHT” BOOK FOR YOU Some students struggle with the selecting of non-fiction and classic books. Select non-fiction books that read as a story rather than a book of facts. Avoid the book that tells facts about rocks ~ look for I Am Malala, Throw Like a Girl, Soul Surfer, The Blind Side, Enrique’s Journey, etc. Teachers and parents can offer suggestions regarding appropriate choices. For students in Academic English, the classic selection must be published before 2000 ~ The Giver, Flight #116 Is Down, Holes, Number the Stars, etc. Honors English students are encouraged to read true classics ~ Lord of the Flies, Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, The Great Gatsby, The Catcher in the Rye, etc. Once book is selected, each student is required to visit to be sure there is a test.
THINGS TO KEEP IN MIND Each test is a 50 point value. Two tests per marking period. Therefore, a total of 100 points. There is a four (4) week period per book. Each student is required to check his/her history before deciding on the book to read for the marking period. There is nothing the teacher can do if the book has been read and tested on at a previous date. All students will be expected to take the AR test from Renaissance Learning. No summaries are accepted in place of the test. All students need to be aware of his/her ZPD range and the book level. All students must be aware of some exclusions per their teacher’s AR handout, i.e. The Pearl. All students are highly encouraged to make choices on book levels which follow the progression of their ZPD end range number.
VISIT THE TOWNE BOOK CENTER DISPLAY Towne Book Center has a great selection of books for students in all three genres: FICTION CLASSIC NONFICTION Stop by display between sessions or after session #3 until 8:30. Books are offered at a discount price this evening.