Protest Movements of the 1960s
American Indian Movement AIM founded in 1968 Organized for self defense (similar to the Black Panthers) Challenged the Bureau of Indian Affairs Wanted more economic opportunities and the end of police harassment Young Urban Activists demanded to be called Native Americans
Protests of AIM 1969: Occupied Alcatraz demanding a cultural center and university Red Power Movement (1972): Occupied headquarters of Bureau of Indian Affairs Wounded Knee Occupation Site of 1890 massacres Asking for federal government to honor treaty rights FBI had shoot to kill orders 2 Indian fatalities, 1 wounded federal marshal
Successes/Failures of AIM Blue Lake given back to Pueblo Indians Alaskan natives granted 40 million acres (and $1 Billion in compensation) Native American Rights Fund gained thousands of acres in Atlantic coast states “Indian Renaissance” Dumping by industry and government Alcohol abuse and ill health
Gay Liberation “Say it loud, Gay is Proud” Began to organize due to police raids and harassment End of entrapment policy Stonewall Riot: started new movement for civil rights and liberation Gay Liberation Front formed Supported Black Panthers Took stand against Vietnam War
Developments in the Liberation American Psychiatric Association changed homosexuality from a mental illness to a sexual orientation Decriminalization of homosexual acts Gay Pride parades began drawing 500,000 participants
Sisterhood is Powerful Publishing of Feminine Mystique (1963) by Betty Friedan Civil Rights Act of 1964 Formation of the National Organization for Women (NOW) 1966 Goals of NOW: Laws banning sex discrimination in work and education Maternity leaves for working mothers Government funding of day-care centers Equal Rights Amendment Wanted repeal legislation prohibiting abortion and restricted birth control
Women’s Liberation “We are exploited as sex objects, breeders, domestic servants, and cheap labor” Patriarchy: Domination of men in institutions from family to business to military to protest movements Radical feminists and street theater
Activities Sit-ins at Newsweek Established: Health clinics Day-care centers Rape crisis centers Shelters for abused women Feminist bookstores, publishing companies Women’s studies programs
Conflicts in the Movement Mainly middle class white women No unity across race, class, or sexual orientation Lesbians created their own organizations African American women formed “womanist” movement Latina movement created to address issue unique to women of color