WHY E-LEARNING? The Annual Survey of Education Report (ASER) 2014 for elementary schools in rural India shows: Over 50% of class V students are unable to read class II level texts and Nearly 20% of class II students not recognizing numbers 1 – 9 and nearly 40% of class III students not recognizing numbers 1 – 100. A Report of UNICEF states- “for too many children, though, school is not always a positive experience. Some endure difficult conditions, like missing or inadequate teaching materials or makeshift sanitation facilities. Others lack competent teachers and appropriate curricula.”
RILM’S E-SHIKSHA! RILM’s E-Shiksha is all set to drive the E-Learning Revolution in Government and Government –Aided Primary Schools through a simple model: 1. Provision of high quality projector and power pack sets 2. High quality, audio-visual, interactive e-learning modules in local languages and mapped to respective State Boards.
A class full of students engrossed to the new age method of teaching in Pune (RID 3131)
Check availability of hardware / software on RILM website or find one at local level Clubs decide the location & number of E-learning centres Meet District level officials of the Education Department, share the proposal, request for a list of schools and letter expressing need for installation of an e-learning centre and authorization to Rotary for putting the same, format available on RILM website (for less than 5 schools, please contact school authorities directly) Fill the school survey form (Form no………, download from RILM website) Contact RILM and express need to have hardware and software availability for that particular area No PROCESS-
Fund source Fill online grant application for approval Approval of Grant Application by RILM Donate your contribution to RILM RID signs MoU with RILM for monitoring of E-Learning Project by RID RILM will place orders with vendors for software and hardware Supervise installation of E-learning kit and Training on usage of Hardware during installation Call the vendors and place orders. Inform RILM. RILM Grant Own Funding
If there are 20 schools, software provider will provide training to 40 teachers (2 from each school) at a centralized venue. In case there are less than 20 schools, E-Learning Volunteers maybe used for Trainings on Software Usage in individual schools or a common venue suitable to all Upload the project report through the Project Upload Section on or through the RILM app. Monitoring the Project RC monitors the project, every month, for first 3 months (Form Nos.…… available on website and RILM app). Subsequent to this, monitoring in every alternate month, tapering off to quarterly monitoring visits till the completion of 2 years from the date of installation. Upload filled up monitoring forms on the website through the project upload section or RILM app. Monitoring by National Committee Members as per schedule decided for all RIDs. (Check-list and Reporting Form No….. available on website and RILM app) Monitoring by RILMO as per schedule decided for all RIDs. (Check-list and Reporting Form No….. available on website and RILM app) Evaluation and Impact Assessment by External Agency
Criteria for Selecting Schools 1. The school needs to be a Govt./Govt. Aided School 2. The school needs to allocate a separate room for e- learning 3. The room needs to have a white-washed wall for projection 4. The school has to have a steady supply of power (electric/other)
Criteria for Selecting Hardware Dust resistant Internal memory Android-based Resolution Brightness level Supports Pen drives and Hard disks Availability of USB Slots User Friendly
Criteria for Selecting Software Animations Quality of the content (conceptual clarity, logical progression etc.) Quality of the voice-overs Activity based learning User Friendly
RILM SHORTLISTED VENDORS 4 Software Companies: Designmate Educomp JILIT Home Revise 3 Hardware Companies: E-Gate Tirubaa Oxygen
Visit RILM Website ( for more details.
Visit RILM Website ( for more details.
E-INDIA! Achievements: Gujarat: 3610 Maharashtra: 1052 Madhya Pradesh:300 Karnataka: 397 Tamil Nadu:60 Andhra Pradesh: 58 Orissa: 16 Bihar: 26 Assam : 35 Total=5554 E- India ! ACHIEVEMENTS Gujarat3610 Madhya Pradesh 300 Karnataka397 Maharashtra1052 Tamil Nadu60 Andhra Pradesh 58 Orissa16 Bihar26 Assam35 TOTAL:5554
One of the 60 schools in Tamil Nadu where E-learning facility was provided (RID 2982).
RID 3051 has completed providing E-learning kits to about 3610 schools.
A news article in a daily in Madhya Pradesh talking of the importance of E- learning. The Honorable minister was present at the inauguration of E- learning centre in Madhya Pradesh.
Rotary International President John Germ and his wife Judy started first phase distribution for a total of 250 E-learning Centres in RID 3291 & RID 3250.
Funding RILM may fund e-learning projects in the following ways: 1. Corporate Support through RILM Grant ApplicationRILM Grant Application 2. Independent Sources as mobilised by RC 3. Global Grants through The Rotary Foundation
TRF FUNDING 1. Lucrative for large numbers 2. Process Outlined by RILM 3. Template developed by RILM may be used Template
TRF HOLISTIC FUNDING H A Focussed Impact E T C T E AC H Diffused Impact
Mapping and Language
Mapping to State Board only (English/Hindi language available) now)
Language Available but no Mapping