Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley Neighbourhood Plan Team Meeting April 26th 2016 © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of ThorleyAgenda 1.Apologies for absence 1.Apologies for absence 2.Minutes of the last meeting 2.Minutes of the last meeting 3.Matters arising 3.Matters arising 4. Chairman’s announcements 4. Chairman’s announcements 6.Consultation and Next Steps 6.Consultation and Next Steps Feedback from Team Leads – major issues and issues requiring team response 7.AECOM Character Assessment 7.AECOM Character Assessment 7.Preparation for next meeting 7.Preparation for next meeting 8.Meeting Schedule 8.Meeting Schedule © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley Major Issues/Issues requiring Team response -James Imprecise wording (EHDC) Imprecise wording (EHDC) Some of the policies contain phrases such as, ‘normally’ ‘from time to time’ and ‘is likely’; these references are vague and unhelpful if these are not clearly substantiated to identify (with evidence) what determines these conditions. Some of the policies contain phrases such as, ‘normally’ ‘from time to time’ and ‘is likely’; these references are vague and unhelpful if these are not clearly substantiated to identify (with evidence) what determines these conditions. Policies and supporting text: (EHDC) Policies and supporting text: (EHDC) in most areas, the supporting text is helpful and supports the policies. In some sections, the supporting text is repeated and could be refined. When a policy refers to a measurement or distance, for example, this should be substantiated in the supporting text to explain the rationale for coming to this figure otherwise these are ambiguous references that need to be robust as these may be tested/questioned. References (EHDC) References (EHDC) in each section the NP contains lists of the documents and evidence used. Cumulatively this adds a lot to the document, this could be put into a separate evidence base document for reference and retain the key documents in the plan. Absent sections (individual): Absent sections (individual):Cemeteries/crematoria Provision of low cost market housing Water/sewerage services Attracting commercial businesses Park & Ride Scheme Comments from Countryside Properties on many policies Comments from Countryside Properties on many policies Comments from ‘OTTRA’ Comments from ‘OTTRA’ © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley Major Issues/Issues requiring Team response - Diane 1. 4 th quadrant 1. 4 th quadrant 2. Air quality and the definition of ‘severe’ in NPPF paragraph 32 ‘ Development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe’ 2. Air quality and the definition of ‘severe’ in NPPF paragraph 32 ‘ Development should only be prevented or refused on transport grounds where the residual cumulative impacts of development are severe’ 3. Integrate professional reports and studies into the planning process (an idea!) 3. Integrate professional reports and studies into the planning process (an idea!) © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley 4 th quadrant – new wording in introduction (draft) 4.3 TRANSPORT 4.3 TRANSPORT Introduction Introduction Transport has a vital role to play in facilitating the future sustainable development of Bishop’s Stortford. With significant housing and population growth forecast for the Plan period it is essential that this Neighbourhood Plan, along with the District Plan and Hertfordshire County Council Transport Plans collectively address the challenges that this will bring Transport has a vital role to play in facilitating the future sustainable development of Bishop’s Stortford. With significant housing and population growth forecast for the Plan period it is essential that this Neighbourhood Plan, along with the District Plan and Hertfordshire County Council Transport Plans collectively address the challenges that this will bring High levels of car ownership and an underdeveloped sustainable travel network have contributed to a reliance on car transport in the area and resulting congestion at peak periods. In addition to concerns over traffic volumes, community feedback has also highlighted key concerns about pedestrian and cyclist safety, parking and public transport provision. Whilst this plan contains policies to improve sustainable travel, the overall aspiration is to improve movement by all transport modes including walking, cycling, public transport and private car High levels of car ownership and an underdeveloped sustainable travel network have contributed to a reliance on car transport in the area and resulting congestion at peak periods. In addition to concerns over traffic volumes, community feedback has also highlighted key concerns about pedestrian and cyclist safety, parking and public transport provision. Whilst this plan contains policies to improve sustainable travel, the overall aspiration is to improve movement by all transport modes including walking, cycling, public transport and private car. The construction of the fourth (South-East) quadrant of the by-pass to alleviate town centre congestion and address the negative health impacts of the Hockerill AQMA has been extensively proposed and supported by the public. Currently there are no HCC proposals to bring this forward however should this situation change, this Plan reflects the strong support for this aspiration within Policy TP12. It is acknowledged that the funding required to deliver such major infrastructure would require funding from sources beyond developer contributions. The construction of the fourth (South-East) quadrant of the by-pass to alleviate town centre congestion and address the negative health impacts of the Hockerill AQMA has been extensively proposed and supported by the public. Currently there are no HCC proposals to bring this forward however should this situation change, this Plan reflects the strong support for this aspiration within Policy TP12. It is acknowledged that the funding required to deliver such major infrastructure would require funding from sources beyond developer contributions. © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley TP12 – Developer contributions to off-site transport infrastructure TP12 – Developer contributions to off-site transport infrastructure a) The cumulative impact of development at different locations will require financial contributions from a range of developers towards funding of essential facilities and infrastructure. Proposals that include contributions to sustainable transport and movement enhancements as listed below will be supported. Add ‘fourth quadrant’ to listed items here © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council 4 th quadrant – addition to TP12 wording
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley 2. Air quality and the definition of ‘severe’ for Bishop’s Stortford Is there an opportunity to include air quality considerations within the assessment of severe for Bishop’s Stortford? Is there an opportunity to include air quality considerations within the assessment of severe for Bishop’s Stortford? Ensure that development implications for Air quality (and therefore health) are robustly assessed to identify severity. Ensure that development implications for Air quality (and therefore health) are robustly assessed to identify severity. Or is this beyond the scope of Neighbourhood Planning? Or is this beyond the scope of Neighbourhood Planning? © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley 3. Integrate professional reports and studies into the planning process (an idea!) Suggested intro wording: Suggested intro wording: The use of consulting firms and specialists to conduct research and studies relevant to the towns development and improvement is within the remit of EHDC, HCC and BSTC. These studies can provide evidence based insights and recommendations which if realised can positively contribute to the future of the town and the lives and experiences of those who work, visit and live here. Policy xyz - ‘integrate professional reports and studies into the planning process’- seeks to ensure that all appropriate studies (past, present and future) are acknowledged and taken into account when developing applications and making decisions on them. Suggested draft policy wording Suggested draft policy wording a) Developers are expected to request access to any relevant reports and studies commissioned by EHDC, HCC, BSTC (or other??) that are relevant to their development proposals and b) the submitted development proposals have regard to the content and recommendations of these studies and reports. © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of ThorleySchedule Agreed Agreed Statutory Consultation 4 Mar – 19 Apr 2016 Engagement with EHDC & HCC & team edits from now to 10 May Examination copy to Town Council for approval 17 May in time for (special) Town Council Meeting 23 rd May To EHDC 24th May Proposed Proposed Engagement with EHDC (& others?) & team edits from now to 19 May Interim Consultation log and edits to David Hargrave by 11 th May (dealing with the easy majority) Final edits and completed consultation log to David Hargrave by 20 May Final document distributed to team 27 May Approval by Team 7th Jun in time for Town Council meeting of 20 th Jun To EHDC 21 st Jun © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley Example Consultation Log © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley In parallel…. David Hargrave is creating: David Hargrave is creating: Evidence Base Summary Will require team input – please respond promptly! Will require team input – please respond promptly! Consultation Statement Will require details of focus groups etc – please respond promptly! Will require details of focus groups etc – please respond promptly! SEC Screening Basic Conditions Statement © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley Future Meeting Schedule Tuesday 17 May Tuesday 7 June Tuesday 28 June – subject to need Tuesday 19 July – subject to need © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council
Your town – your plan Bishop’s Stortford Neighbourhood Plan All Saints, Central, South and part of Thorley Next Meeting – Tuesday 15 th March Review consultation to date Review consultation to date © Bishop’s Stortford Town Council