Degrees and Work-based Learning Objective 3.01: Understand the personal education and skill requirements necessary for transition from secondary education to post-secondary education or employment.
What are your postsecondary plans?
Research Postsecondary Opportunities Visit College Foundation of North Carolina ( Primary source for financial aid information – FAFSA, Free Application for Federal Student Aid – Types of Financial Aid – Scholarships – Grant – Loans – Must be paid back
Assessments to take for postsecondary. ACT – Achievement Test, a practice test that measures what you have learned in school SAT, Scholastic Aptitude Test, a test that measures your aptitude: critical thinking, mathematical reasoning, and writing skills
Education after High School All postsecondary schools have different requirements to attend. What is the first thing you should after you have selected your college? Submit an official application EVERY school requires this
Proprietary School Privately owned school for those seeking vocational training Training at this type of school is for a SPECIFIC job or trade – Lumberton Truck Driving School – Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School
Community Colleges Associate’s degree – 2 years Certificate programs GED which is equivalent to HS diploma Other Interesting Facts – Complete college transfer program – Open door policy - anyone can attend
College/University Bachelor’s degree/Undergraduate (4-6 years) Master’s degree/Graduate degree (2-4 years after Bachelor’s degree) Doctorate degree/Advanced degree (3-5 years after Master’s degree)
Work-based Learning College is not for everyone, however we all need a job so what do we do next?
Cooperative Education Provides on-the-job learning experiences Integrates academic and skill-based learning Evaluates the student in the classroom and worksite Requires a paid work experience
Internships Provides an in-depth look at a career. Usually lasts for several weeks or months. Participant may or may not receive pay. May provide educational credit. Participation in job related tasks occurs. Develops positive relationships between participant and mentor. Provides opportunity for job references.
Apprenticeships Provides structured training and instruction Allows students to earn course credit. Usually lasts more than one year (3 – 4 years) Opportunity for advancement within the company exists. Sponsored by the NC Department of Labor. Gain work experience while getting paid. – Journey Worker: a certified, experienced, skilled craftsperson that has successfully competed an apprenticeship program
Other work-based opportunities On-the-job Training: education and training provided by an employer
Job Shadowing Provides a brief overview of the workplace through observation. Participants shadow a career mentor for a day.
Military Training Prepare to take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) Special skills may be developed through specialized education programs OR on-the- job training
And if you still can not decide on a career…………. Volunteer – Because it can help you confirm career choices
Placement Tests ACCUPLACER test Given to students by the community college you are entering to access your readiness and place you in the right classes.
Tests WorkKeys Given to certain students (CONCENTRATORS) in high school to determine readiness for job success