Key Stage 2 Academic year Year 4. Curriculum Trips Homework Rewards and Sanctions
Year 4 - Topics Autumn Term Autumn First Half : Roman Empire And the Impact on Britain and The Celts. Autumn Second Half: Roman Empire and Impact on Britain. Autumn Term Autumn First Half : Roman Empire And the Impact on Britain and The Celts. Autumn Second Half: Roman Empire and Impact on Britain.
Year 4 Topics Spring Term Spring First Half: Roman Empire and Impact on Britain. Spring Second Half: Ancient Study – Indus Valley Spring Term Spring First Half: Roman Empire and Impact on Britain. Spring Second Half: Ancient Study – Indus Valley
Year 4 Topics Summer Term Summer First Half: Ancient Study – Indus Valley Summer second Half: Ancient Study – Indus Valley, Local Rivers The Thames Summer Term Summer First Half: Ancient Study – Indus Valley Summer second Half: Ancient Study – Indus Valley, Local Rivers The Thames
Literacy – Year 4 Topics Children will cover: Fiction Stories with historical settings – Linked to Romans. Stories Set in imaginative worlds – Charlie and Chocolate Factory. Stories from other cultures – Book Week Stories which raise issues and dilemmas – linked to PSHE. Plays – links to Charlie.
Literacy Year 4 Non-Fiction Recounts Newspaper/Magazines – link to Boudicca and to Charlie. Information Text – Link to topics and Roald Dahl. Explanation Text – Link to River Topic. Persuasive Text – link to Charlie. Poetry Creating Images Exploring Form Non-Fiction Recounts Newspaper/Magazines – link to Boudicca and to Charlie. Information Text – Link to topics and Roald Dahl. Explanation Text – Link to River Topic. Persuasive Text – link to Charlie. Poetry Creating Images Exploring Form
Literacy Outlook – Year 4 Literacy is taught for one hour each day. Each lesson is made up of 15 minutes of words and sentence level work. Presentation and Quality is paramount in books. There is a zero tolerance policy. GGR is taught daily for 30 minutes. Handwriting takes place 3x per week. Spelling pattern taught weekly to tie in with homework. Dictation is weekly (Thursday). This is based on the spelling pattern being taught that week. Literacy is taught for one hour each day. Each lesson is made up of 15 minutes of words and sentence level work. Presentation and Quality is paramount in books. There is a zero tolerance policy. GGR is taught daily for 30 minutes. Handwriting takes place 3x per week. Spelling pattern taught weekly to tie in with homework. Dictation is weekly (Thursday). This is based on the spelling pattern being taught that week.
Numeracy – Year 4 By the end of the year children will be able to: Mathematics -Number/Calculation Know all tables to 12 x 12 Secure place value to 1000 Use negative whole numbers Round numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Use Roman numerals to 100 (C) Column addition & subtraction up to 4 digits Multiply & divide mentally Use standard short multiplication By the end of the year children will be able to: Mathematics -Number/Calculation Know all tables to 12 x 12 Secure place value to 1000 Use negative whole numbers Round numbers to nearest 10, 100 or 1000 Use Roman numerals to 100 (C) Column addition & subtraction up to 4 digits Multiply & divide mentally Use standard short multiplication
Numeracy Year 4 Geometry & Measures Compare 2-d shapes, including quadrilaterals & triangles Find area by counting squares Calculate rectangle perimeters Estimate & calculate measures Identify acute, obtuse & right angles Identify symmetry Use first quadrant coordinates Introduce simple translations Data Use bar charts, pictograms & line graphs Geometry & Measures Compare 2-d shapes, including quadrilaterals & triangles Find area by counting squares Calculate rectangle perimeters Estimate & calculate measures Identify acute, obtuse & right angles Identify symmetry Use first quadrant coordinates Introduce simple translations Data Use bar charts, pictograms & line graphs
Numeracy – Year 4 Fractions & decimals Recognise tenths & hundredths Identify equivalent fractions Add & subtract fractions with common denominators Recognise common equivalents Round decimals to whole numbers Solve money problems Fractions & decimals Recognise tenths & hundredths Identify equivalent fractions Add & subtract fractions with common denominators Recognise common equivalents Round decimals to whole numbers Solve money problems
Topic - Year 4 Roman Empire: History Celtic Life – where the Celts settled and why. Comparing Roman Warriors to Celts. Geography Comparing English counties and comparing them to Celtic Tribes. Roman Empire: History Celtic Life – where the Celts settled and why. Comparing Roman Warriors to Celts. Geography Comparing English counties and comparing them to Celtic Tribes.
Topic – Year 4 Art and Design – Autumn Term and Spring 1 st Half Mosaics Materials – Texture, Pattern, Experimenting Links to Roman Life, houses, art Links to Maths 2D shape and tessellation. Design and make own Catapult Construction – strengthen materials using suitable techniques Mechanics - Use scientific knowledge to choose appropriate mechanisms for a product. Links to History – recognise the success of Roman Army Christmas Decorations Linking to Science - Electricity Art and Design – Autumn Term and Spring 1 st Half Mosaics Materials – Texture, Pattern, Experimenting Links to Roman Life, houses, art Links to Maths 2D shape and tessellation. Design and make own Catapult Construction – strengthen materials using suitable techniques Mechanics - Use scientific knowledge to choose appropriate mechanisms for a product. Links to History – recognise the success of Roman Army Christmas Decorations Linking to Science - Electricity
Science – Year 4 The areas of study class 4 will look at are: Biology: Animals including humans Biology: Living things and their habitats Physics: Electricity Physics: Sound Chemistry: States of Matter The areas of study class 4 will look at are: Biology: Animals including humans Biology: Living things and their habitats Physics: Electricity Physics: Sound Chemistry: States of Matter
Topic – Year 4 RE – Harvest: Taking Responsibility, Christian Symbols, Christmas, The Christmas message Computing – basic skills, algorithms Music – Exploring Rhythmic Patterns French – Classroom Objects, Recap of colours, describing objects PE- Invasion Games, Gymnastics RE – Harvest: Taking Responsibility, Christian Symbols, Christmas, The Christmas message Computing – basic skills, algorithms Music – Exploring Rhythmic Patterns French – Classroom Objects, Recap of colours, describing objects PE- Invasion Games, Gymnastics
Trips Autumn Term – Colchester Castle Spring Term – Theatre Production Summer Term – River Study eg The Thames Autumn Term – Colchester Castle Spring Term – Theatre Production Summer Term – River Study eg The Thames
Rewards and Sanctions Core Values Code Of conduct Traffic Lights / Time Out House Points Marbles Stickers For Certificates Star of The Week Golden Time Head teacher Rewards Achievement Rewards Core Values Code Of conduct Traffic Lights / Time Out House Points Marbles Stickers For Certificates Star of The Week Golden Time Head teacher Rewards Achievement Rewards
Homework Days homework is due in : Friday – homework is sent home this includes spellings, sentence writing, times tables and a maths sheet. Wednesday – homework needs to be returned for marking. Thursday Spelling Test Thursday Times Tables Test Days homework is due in : Friday – homework is sent home this includes spellings, sentence writing, times tables and a maths sheet. Wednesday – homework needs to be returned for marking. Thursday Spelling Test Thursday Times Tables Test