Tonagh Primary School Primary Information Day September 2016
Mr William Maher Mr Simon Totten Miss Nicola Kennedy Miss Gemma Corbett Class Teacher and Classroom Assistant
Tonagh Primary School... the future begins here Our Vision
Tonagh Primary School is a special place, full of learning, laughter and friendship, where children are happy, feel safe and are valued. In Tonagh Primary School we promote a love of learning inspired by quality teaching and developing individual strengths and talents. We are committed to Christian principles and promote a tolerance and respect for other faiths. Differences are acknowledged and celebrated. Everyone in our school community deserves to be cared for unconditionally and valued equally and uniquely. In Tonagh Primary School we believe that learning should be purposeful and challenging. We aim to equip pupils for lifelong learning. We want our children to have ownership of their learning and to be proud of their achievements. We believe that all members of our school community should work together and this will result in high standards, a respectful environment and successful learning. In summary, Tonagh Primary School is all about education, enjoyment, exploration and excellence. It is the place where your child’s future begins. Our Mission Statement
School starts at 8:55am School ends at 3:00pm If there is an early finish you will receive a news letter from school. School Times
Parent Interviews – October and March Annual Reports – June If you need to speak to a teacher, please phone to make an appointment. Regular news letters sent home Text service Links With Home
School Phone Website – holidays etc. – Absence Notes Contacting School
Curricular Areas
Phonics Spelling – home revision Easy Reads Reading Writing Literacy
Handwriting style Joined writing Pencil grip Nelson Handwriting Scheme Handwriting
Class Library School Library Please take good care – possible cost incurred Library Books
Daily Sessions comprise of: Mental Maths Practical Maths, Games, Trails etc. Use of ICT Area of Maths – Number Measure Shape and Space Handling Data Numeracy
Through Science, Geography, History Mighty Me World in Motion Life in the Recent Past Once Upon a Time Blue Planet Farming World Around Us Topics
Practical and interactive approach to learning Can occur in all areas of the curriculum Helps to develop Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities Activity Based Learning
Appropriate P.E. Kit Statutory Curricular Area Jewellery, long hair Swimming P.E. Day – P5 WM Thursday P5 ST Friday Opportunities Physical Education
Importance of Permission Notes Conduct Examples – Tesco Balmoral Show, Lisburn Linen Museum Educational Visits
Easy Read – children pick the book – write a comment and parent to sign book Spellings – phonics – checked daily and tested weekly Tables – learning is as important as written homework 2 Literacy written home works each week – based on class work 2 Numeracy written home works each week Please sign all home works Homework
Coats Schoolbag P.E. Kit Pencil Case Glue etc. Dictionary Items Required
The school uniform is attractive and contributes to a feeling of belonging to the school. It is also practical and saves other clothes for out of school use. We seek the support of parents in encouraging children to wear uniform. GIRLSGrey pinafore or grey skirt Grey or white shirt/blouse or polo shirt White or grey knee socks/grey tights Grey V-neck pullover or cardigan Sweatshirt School tie School Waterproof Coat BOYSGrey or white shirt or white polo shirt Grey trousers Grey socks Grey V-neck pullover Sweatshirt School tie School Waterproof Coat SUMMER UNIFORM :- GIRLSBlue gingham check summer dress or white polo shirt. BOYSWhite polo shirt may replace collar and tie. Sweatshirts, pullovers, cardigans, pinafores, skirts, blouses, shirts and ties are available at McCalls of Market Street or from our online uniform shop – – Uniform
Healthy Break Promoted Fruit Shop Paid weekly Water Children encouraged to become more independent Class Routines
Importance of being on time Importance of full school day Notes re absences Holidays Dinner Money - £2.50 – can be paid on Mondays Punctuality, Absences, Dinner Money etc.
Designated Teacher – Mrs Curran Deputy Designated Teacher – Miss Mackin Governor – Dr. Fisher Procedures Changes in family circumstances Child Protection
Class Management Plan School Rules Our Expectations Rewards and Consequences Playground Behaviour Buddy System School Rules & Behaviour
Class Rewards Traffic Lights Merit Stickers Principal’s Awards Table points Reward Systems
Term Tuesday – Good News Club Hockey Wednesday – Football Netball Term 3 Cricket – Tag Rugby – Gardening - Dance After School Clubs
Any Questions?