RH Discussion 1- WK. 4 Universal Design for Learning
Essential Elements to provide inclusive practice Three principles Provide multiple means of representation of content. Books, photo book with multicultural families, countries, and a variety of photos for children to see. I would get them from magazines, daily newspapers, internet, etc., songs and word wall. These are ways that I teach my K3 students their alphabets, colors, words, and shape. I uses shape, numbers and colors pictures flash cards. Label and put pictures for toys in centers. K3 teachers uses repetitions for memory retention for three year old’s students. Multiple means of action and expression. Large group – questions for students, and having them to answer questions. Show and tell for students to bring in their favorite toy, and tell us about their families. Talking about the lesson for the week, and review the next day, and continue with the lesson for the week. This week, we are talking about the beginning of school, and families. We are reading books, having children talk about their families. Talk about their feelings being away from home. We have two tables. A teacher set with the children at each table. We talk about what they did the previous night. Today, I told them I got caught in the rain going home. I asked them if they got caught in the rain, and some responded yes, and some students responded with, “Me and mommy got caught in the rain and Walmart” Multiple means of engagement.- Small groups activities. Today we had the students do a self portrait on themselves. Ms. Tarmara called them to the table individual, so that they can get that one on one connection with her. At department time, we had the children to do table toys in small group, until their parents picked them up. They were using math slicers connectors. For small motor, and to distinguished between colors and some students counted three connectors. I had to model for some students on how to put the connectors together.
How would you present new info Beginning of school year – K3 Set rules and routines and classroom schedule Go over rules and routines everyday. Keep the same schedule daily so that children can get grasp of a solid learning foundation in the classroom Large Group Creative Curriculum Beginning of School Year Talk about feelings Read books about children going to school for the first time Kissing Hand Story Social Emotional Skills Small Group and Center’s Play Housekeeping Blocks Sand and Water Table Writing and Art Area Small Group – See if the students know their colors. Bingo Color game
COLORS Doing large group I would call each student up, and asked them to show me a different color on the bulletin board where I have large color’s flashcards with different pictures of items on them. I played colors bingo during small group. I talk about colors to the children doing center’s time. I will asked a child to bring me the red block. What color is this lemon?, during housekeeping play. SHAPES I would draw a house, using triangles, squares for windows and rectangles for doors, while playing with the children in the art center. I would asked them what shape is the windows? What shape is the roof? What shape is the door? I would get the shapes flashcards doing small group, and show them, and talk to the children about shapes, and then review, and asked them what shape is this. How students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge
Your strategies to engage and motivate students I have interesting books for the children to read on the bookshelf. I would change them in and out periodically. Especially, when I see the children getting bored with looking, and reading the same books. I would make the lessons fun by adding song, art, and even cooking some food. I would have the children to answer questions to lessons, like apple tasting, and ask them their favorite apples, and chart their answers. This will teach them about how to use words like more, less and amount. I will have a helper chart, so that they can help the teachers, and feel special. I will hand out stickers, and give treats to students. I will use the Nextdoor STAR system for students and parents. Safe, Thoughtful, Accountable and Respectful. I will hand out star stickers to students who demonstrate this values. I would hand out certificates to parents who volunteer, turn homework in on time, and just for being involve with their child attentively. For my K3 students. I have the room arrange developmental appropriate for a secure and safe learning environment. The room is cheery, warm and colorful.
APA Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide, Puckett, K. (2013) A Look into the toolbox, Jessical Parlin, M. Ed., Elizabeth Marion, M. Ed, Dr. K. Alisha Lowrey and Dr. Philip Wilson Universal Design for Learning, Center for Applied Special Technology, Anne Meyer, David Rose, Ed.D (2000)