September 2016
Daily Routines Line up in the playground on the ‘2’. Morning job – Literacy or Numeracy based activity Daily phonics/spelling Milk and snack Toilet passes Playtime is the same as year 1 Lunch time – till 1.00 Reading after every lunchtime – Reading for enjoyment Home readers (Need to be in school every day.)
Handwriting & presentation Throughout school we are still focusing on handwriting and presentation. Handwriting Cursive by the end of the year. Helps with spelling. Writing should flow. Presentation They need to take care and present their work neatly. The children need to be proud of what they have done.
Writing Use capital letters and full stops consistently. Use co-ordinating conjunctions – and, but, or. Use subordinating conjunctions – because, if, that, when. Use commas, question, exclamation and speech marks. Start sentences in different ways. Organise writing to suite its purpose. Some use of ambitious words. (‘wow words.’) Correct spelling of high frequency words. Independent application of phase 5 words. Check own writing and develop. Write in sections/ paragraph. Develop stamina for writing.
Reading Reads aloud fluently with expression, taking into account punctuation. Has the opportunity to read a variety of texts. Makes predictions using own experiences. Generates questions before reading. Recalls characteristics of characters. Makes inferences about characters thoughts, feelings and actions. Evaluates the usefulness of different genres. Confidently discuss texts, share ideas. (All children have been bench marked so they are on the correct level for their ability. Lower level given to work on fluency.)
Maths Know their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. To be able to count in steps of 2, 3, 5 and 10 from 0. To be able to count forwards and backwards in steps of 2, 3, 5, and 10 from any 2 digit number. Place value – H T U Inverse operations – addition & subtraction, multiplication & division. Fractions – 1/3, ¼, 2/4, ¾. Collect, record, interpret and compare data. Recognise properties of shapes. Solve problems using equipment. Independent learners – choose and use resources.
September 2016 Topic – We are explorers! Geography – Name and locate countries, seas, oceans and continents from around the world. Science – Animals habitats, food chains. PE – 2 sessions a week (Monday & Thursday) Homework ; Weekly Spellings linked to phonics/spelling work. Reading – 10 mins four times a week. Weekly Number Zumba. (Test on Thursday) Project – Last a few weeks. Bring book bags and reading records daily. Trip – Sno Zone sledging activity.
Behaviour Class rules. School rules. Class points for a reward afternoon – Marbles. Stickers and certificates.
Diary Dates Wednesday 21 st September – Curriculum Evening Friday 21 st October – Harvest festival in church (am & pm) Friday 21 st October – Finish for half term Monday 31 st October – Back to school Thursday 10 th November – Trip Sno Zone Wednesday 16 th November & Thursday 17 th November Parents evening Tuesday 22 nd November – Flu Immunisation. Wednesday 7 th December – Nativity performance. (2.00 Year 1 parents/ 6.00 Year 2 Parents.) Thursday 8 th December – Nativity performance. (9.00 Reception parents)
Thank you for listening Uniform. Parking. Mystery reader.