Week 6
Monday: Comparing and Contrasting Themes, Characters, and Conflicts Planner Table of Contents IN: – Do you relate more to the main character Rey (Rene) from “The Jumping Tree” or Manuel from “La Bamba”? Why? Make a comparison between you and one of the main characters.
Rotations and Posters You will rotate to several different groups. At each group: – Discuss the poster with a partner – Add your thoughts and input to the poster Make connections – How is this idea like something else (Your life, TV show, movie, book, short story) Identify something you noticed from the story Provide text evidence to support an idea Respond to another student’s idea Ask a question
Input Make connections – How is this idea like something else (Your life, TV show, movie, book, short story) Identify something you noticed from the story Provide text evidence to support an idea Respond to another student’s idea or question – Do you have an answer? Another question that it brings up? Agree or disagree with an idea? Proof to support someone else’s thinking? Ask a question
Your Notes Go around once and JUST DISCUSS what you see – 3 o’clock partner Go around again and add notes to your THROUGH section on thoughts, questions, and ideas you have after completing the activity
OUT How did your peers deepen your understanding of the stories today? Support your answer with evidence from the activity.
Wednesday: Comparing “The Jumping Tree” and “La Bamba” Planner Table of Contents IN: – Which story did you like better and why? What was your favorite part?
New Seats
Double Bubble Map
Compare and Contrast
Compare and Contrast Stories “La Bamba” The Jumping Tree
Comparing and Contrasting Double Bubble Map Example You will work with groups to compare and contrast “La Bamba” and “The Jumping Tree” – Think about characters, conflicts, moods, resolutions, and most of all, themes! – Use the resources we have created to help you You may add new ideas or questions with sticky notes Mark great, helpful, and thoughtful ideas with stickers so that other students will notice and learn from them
Grades Pass back papers and grades Make a list of every assignment you are missing – If you are XX (exempted) you can still do the assignment to help your grade, but you do not HAVE to Get a copy of each missing assignment and write down the directions at the top – COMPLETE THEM TODAY!
THROUGH Add notes from today’s activity to your through section – Questions you still have – Connections between the stories – Differences between the stories – Ideas for theme evidence – Etc.
OUT How did you deepen your understanding of the two stories with the help of your peers? – Give examples and evidence
Thursday: Planning and Writing Day Planner Table of Contents IN: – What is one theme that the two stories have in common? – Name one theme that only applies to “The Jumping Tree” – Name one theme that only applies to “La Bamba”
Comparing and Contrasting Theme Essay Write an essay comparing and contrasting the themes of “La Bamba” and “The Jumping Tree” – Intro paragraph- – Comparing paragraph – Contrasting paragraph – Concluding paragraph
PLAN Use the guidelines at your table to help you plan Use the resources you have created to help you plan Write your plan in your THROUGH section
Thesis Statements Thesis- A sentence in the intro that tells the reader what the paper will be about – The main idea of the whole paper – STRONG example: While the reader can take away many life lessons from reading these two texts, I believe the most important are to trust your instincts and to treat others how you wish to be treated. – WEAK examples: In this paper you will read about… I am going to talk about…
SO WHAT Statement (aka THINKING Statement) Leaves the reader thinking Makes the reader want to know more or read the texts you are discussing Wraps up your paper in a thoughtful way STRONG example: – After reading these two texts, I realize the importance of friendship and trust. WEAK example: – Thanks for reading. – I hope you learned about themes from my paper – In conclusion, the two stories are similar and different
WRITE Intro paragraph – 3-5 sentences – Begin with a statement about the two stories, introducing the title and author of each – End with a thesis statement that includes the themes you will discuss in your body paragraphs Comparing paragraph 8+ sentences Contrasting paragraph 8+ sentences Concluding paragraph 3-5 sentences Restate (in non-repetitive ways) the themes you have discussed End with a “so what” statement- meaning what a reader can take away after reading and studying both stories
OUT How did the activities leading up to the essay help prepare you? – Think about how this would have been different if we just read the stories and wrote the essay the very next day. – You may look at previous exit tickets to see how your peers helped you learn this past week
Friday: Rough Draft Planner Table of Contents (just the in/out page today) IN: – Make a list of comparing words and a list of contrasting words Comparing WordsContrasting Words Similar Different
Writing Time Work on the first rough draft of your essay You are comparing and contrasting the themes of “La Bamba” and “The Jumping Tree” – USE THE GUIDLINES from yesterday – USE THE EXAMPLE LAYOUT at your tables
Homework Complete Rough Draft #1
OUT Count the number of different comparing words you used in your essay so far Count the number of different contrasting words in your essay so far Write the totals for each in your OUT section