circumference = distance around the wheel
Distance around the wheel = distance travelled in 1 rotation Distance travelled in 1 rotation would change depending on size of wheel
PackBot PackBot
What is it? Threshold is the number by which the robot can determine what is “light” and what is “dark”. For example, a threshold of 50 means than any light sensor value less than 50 is “dark” and greater than 50 is “light”
Why is it important with the light sensor? If the threshold is off, the robot can’t tell light from dark. For example, if you set the threshold to 0, it would think everything was light.
How do we find it? Hold the robot’s light sensor over something white, and record the “reflected light” number Hold the robot’s light sensor over something black, and record the “reflected light” number Average these two numbers
When would we need to recalculate the threshold? Different rooms Different lighting Different times of day even! Changing your light sensor Moving your light sensor
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