Astronomy for Development Kevin
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High- precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellite Miniaturization Precision PHYSICS Laborato ry of extremes Making heavy elements CHEMISTRY Producing organic molecules BIOLOGY Building blocks of life MATHEM- ATICS Abstract thought INSPIRATION Career in science and technology ANTHRO- POLOGY Ancient civilizations Our roots HISTORY Evolution of Universe Our roots PERSPECTIVE IMMENSITY OF UNIVERSE Tolerance and global citizenship TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CULTURE AND SOCIETY ASTRONOMY The IAU Strategic Plan :
Astronomy for Development
Astronomy for Development East Africa Ethiopia West Africa Nigeria Andean Countries Colombia Lusophone Portugal South West Asia Armenia Southern Africa Zambia Arab World/Arabic Jordan East Asia/Chinese China South East Asia Thailand OAD
[The 4 th Industrial Revolution] is characterized by a fusion of technologies that is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. Klaus Schwab: Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
Wednesday 28 September 2016
When change is inevitable, our hope will reside with people.
Which is more important? Expanding human knowledge or bringing humanity along when new knowledge is generated.
As access to information increases we cannot afford an uncritical society.
BBC newsNBC news What is our culpability in “post factual” politics and pseudo-science propaganda?
knowledge myth
Thirty Meter Telescope, Hawaii
Astro Park Chiang Mai, Thailand
Entoto Observatory and Research Center, Ethiopia Private donor Government Institute 43 PhD students 33 papers published 5 recent MSc graduates 19 MSc students
Research Infrastructure is an enabler! Without people it is meaningless Our joint responsibility is to enable people to do great things Scientists Students Industry Children Public
We are producing the next disruptors… Will they be ready for the role?
Taking a “tick box” approach to education and public engagement is like being the vegan environmentalist – it appeases one’s own conscience but fails to influence meaningfully and at a necessary pace, the global change necessary.
Building structures and partnerships for global impact
Thirty Meter Telescope, Hawaii
What percentage of your next big infrastructure is worth investing in humanity?
Enthusiast images If there is a philosophical understanding of knowledge generation, rather than just a practical one, then we can unite people around thought and not just trade. Kevin