Financial Nuggets Financial educational program Lessons and activities are paired to match the Maryland Financial Literacy Standards Connects youth to real life financial concepts through hands on learning activities
Financial Nuggets: The Lessons Lesson 1 – Financial Decisions Lesson 2 – Careers, Education, and Income Lesson 3 – Plan and Manage Money Lesson 4 – Manage Credit and Debt Lesson 5 – Create and Build Wealth Lesson 6 – Manage Risks and Preserve Wealth
Financial Decisions Students will learn about making decisions, why they make decisions and the consequences of choices. Students will predict the consequences of making financial decisions Students will describe opportunity cost of financial decisions made by individuals Students will develop and apply financial literacy vocabulary
State Standards Lesson Plan Overview Activity options Evaluation Script/Notes (circled text) Key Vocabulary
Spending Game: What will you do? You have 20 beans (representative for dollars) You have to purchase an item in each category
Careers, Education, and Income Students will examine the relationships among education, skills, career choices, economic conditions, and income Students will examine how income affects choices and spending decisions
Key Vocabulary Career Cost of living Educational Level Entrepreneur Supply and Demand Value Wages
Financial Fun Fact More than 67% of entrepreneurs start in their home or basement. No big operation needed! Just a special skill or talent.
Plan and Manage Money
Manage Credit and Debt Students learn the differences between credit and debt.
True OR False? Good money managers can get credit easier than other who don’t make wise financial choices.
True OR False? Credit is free money.
Create and Build Wealth Students will develop skills to plan and achieve long-tern goals related to saving and investing in order to build financial security and wealth. Students will differentiate between income and investment growth. Students will compare reasons for saving and reasons for investing.
Manage Risks and Preserve Wealth Students will develop financial planning skills to minimize financial setbacks by: Identifying circumstances that impact income and wealth Describing forms of financial risk and risk tolerance Recognizing forms of protection against financial loss
Key Vocabulary Insurance Liability Claim Contract Financial Security Policy Premium Preserve Investment Risk of Loss Wealth
Questions? What questions do you have? Would this program work with your youth? Do you need anything else to successfully implement the program?
Curriculum Development team Primary Authors Lacie Ashby Nancy Lewis Mia Russell Contributors Michael Elonge Jinhee Kim, PhD
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Want to learn more, contact: Mia Russell Extension Educator, Financial Capability