Tutorial:Business Academy Topic: Preparation for manufacturing process Prepared by:Ing. Marcela Zlatníková Projekt Anglicky v odborných předmětech, CZ.1.07/1.3.09/ je spolufinancován Evropským sociálním fondem a státním rozpočtem České republiky.
Production programme– is a set of manufactured products or provided services of manufacturing character, its extent depends on company size, kind and production type. It is generally defined by standard classification of branches and specifically by product dimensions, their quality, etc. When determining the production programme market requirements, business equipment (machines, qualification conditions, finances) should be considered.
It determines the product look, place of production, production costs and price of products. Departments of technical and business sector are concerned with it. Without production preparation significant economic losses could happen. It includes: - Technical preparation - Organizational preparation - Economic preparation
Determination of shapes and sizes of new products, design Determination of new products‘ qualities Functions of new products Improving existing products and their design Selecting technological process Improving technological processes Ensuring production with necessary machinery, equipment and tools The aim is improved product or new product with better properties and improved production or better manufacturing process. Technical preparation has two parts: design and technological
Design preparation process: a/ on the basis of models made in the development, design of a new product is made by use of computer. The result is documentation, which describes the product, such as manufacturing drawing.
b/ if it is necessary a prototype is produced which is subjected to the tests c/ on the basis of test results adjustment of design and documentation is made. Instruction manuals and promotional materials, etc. are made.
Its aim is to develop: ∙ manufacturing process –the same product can be produced by various procedures, a technologist selects the most optimal option ∙workshops, plants and machines that will pro d u c e, taking capacity into account ∙ production aids, tools, agents ∙standards, namely the power ones, are set by a technologist and they serve to determine the time necessary for the production, for planning purposes and as a basis for workers‘ rewards ∙ workshop documents that workers use to know how to proceed with production, which operations and tasks to carry out
∙ It decides which departments will ensure the production ∙ The goal is continuous and failure-free production Economical preparation ∙ costs and product price are established, calculations are compiled ∙ the goal is the most effective manufacture of the product
1/ Describe technological process of manufacturing a clay vase 2/ Give an example of manufacturing programme of some known company 3/ Why businesses put into the manufacturing company also products that bring minimal profit? 4/ Take some product which you normally meet (board, kettle, bus, flashlight) and try to figure out its improvement
Biňovec, K. Přehled učiva k maturitní zkoušce z ekonomiky. Fortuna, ISBN Švarcová Jena, ing a kolektiv, Ekonomie, stručný přehled. Ing. Jena Švarcová, Ph.D., CEED nakladatelství a vydavatelství, ISBN Klínský Petr, Munch Otto, Ekonomika pro obchodní akademie a ostatní střední školy Fortuna, 2003, ISBN