Bangor Class of 2015 January 20, 2015
Lay of the Land 5 to 5:30 PM – Dinner 5:30 to 5:40 PM – Announcements 5:40 to 6:10 PM – Pitches 6:10 to 6:30 PM – Speaker/Topic 6:30 to 7:30 PM – Apply to your business
Announcements Mentor matching Be on the radio (WZON Thursdays 8:05 AM, starting Jan 29) Deb Neuman – BDN & Back to Business Big Gig (Feb 24 th – must apply by: Feb 6 th )
Tonight’s Goal Have two or three big, but manageable things to focus on over the course of the next five months. Free Writing Death threats GrowthWheel Business Model Canvas
Free Writing Don’t pick up your pen You have 3 minutes Write it all down! What has you worried? Not sleeping at night?
- Concept - Feedback Session
- Concept - Feedback Session
Business Model Canvas
FAIL FAST, FAIL CHEAP: YOU TRY! Tory, who works at the Cincinnati Zoo, has invented a new way of displaying animals. It is a more natural environment with the visitors kept “hidden” so as to not disturb the animals. They “see” the animals through special peep holes, viewing portals and one-way mirrors. She’s interested in getting a prototype built, but the Zoo Director has a couple of concerns…
FAIL FAST, FAIL CHEAP: YOU TRY! Jim is an inventor in his garage. He is confident that he has created the first and only beer that is guaranteed to not give you a hangover, not matter how much you drink. He uses a secret recipe of herbs and hops to make this happen. He has pitched his idea to investors, but before they are willing to give him anything, they told him he must prove that his beer really works. The problem is that he only has one keg, which is enough to get just 10 people drunk. Death threats - Are the herbs legal? Does it really work?