Who am I? By Phillip Alcorn
Keep your eyes peeled!
To start my favorite author is Michael Crichton. I have read a couple of his books, Jurassic Park, Sphere, The Lost World. I tend to read every now and then. My favorite genre would be suspense, mystery, sci-fi.
Disability One thing that could hold me back in the future but at the same time never stopped me before, is my autism. Being autistic basically means I get easily distracted.
I would love to travel the world, I kind of already traveled the country a little. I was born in St. Charles, Louisiana but moved here when I was three, so I can’t remember what Louisiana looked like. One day, maybe I would own a house on island beach to myself.
I am not entirely sure what I want to do in the future, there are thousands of possibilities. But a few I have particularly in mind, are Doctor, Animal Caretaker, Paleontologist, etc. I hope in the near future I find something I am happy with.
Favorites My favorite things that I haven’t mentioned before. My current favorite song is Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked. My favorite animal would have to be fish, birds, maybe. My favorite and only pet as of now is my dog Nixon. I think he‘s hiding somewhere.Defying Gravity
Family I live with my mother and my dog. I have a couple siblings in Louisville and a couple in Louisiana. My eldest sister Rebecca, is married to who is now my brother in law Nick, and they have one little girl who is my niece, Emma-Faye. This is just the start of my family.
Now that I shed some light on me…
…Its just the beginning