Welcome to Third Grade Back to School Night
Meet Miss Oshnock Graduated from Clarion State College in 1978 – Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education Master of Education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania – 1986 Reading Specialist Certification from Indiana University of Pennsylvania Certified to teach Elementary (K-6), Reading (K-12)
Meet Miss Oshnock I have taught sixth grade, third grade, Kindergarten, and remedial reading to K-12 Please see my website for additional information – – Phone – (x1371)
Goals For The Year To provide each student with positive and enjoyable learning experiences To build each student’s self-esteem To challenge my students and help them to realize their own amazing potential!
Expectations for Third Graders Try your BEST. I am here to help you. Listen carefully and follow directions. Be respectful to self and others. Smile and be helpful. Use your brain …. Strive to learn new things. Take responsibility for self and others.
Class Rules 1. In our classroom we RESPECT learning. Follow directions the first time they are given. Pay attention and participate. 2.In our classroom we RESPECT ourselves. Work hard. Be proud of yourself. 3.In our classroom we RESPECT others. Help our classmates
Behavior Management Based on positive reinforcement School wide system (Think, Act, Be Pawsitive) Green – Yellow-Red System for Voice Levels Smarty Pants Award for “AH-HA “moment!! Treasure chest and Class Reward Piggy Bank Team Reward Quiet Critter Positive Traits Bingo Card for individual recognition Small Change to Cat’s Cash (monthly incentives)
Homework Develops responsibility and reviews important concepts To be completed by the student and reviewed by the parent I check homework for understanding Third graders are encouraged to read daily. I suggest 15 minutes of independent reading a day. Homework is written daily in the homework folder. Parent and student signature required in the homework folder
A Note About Homework Homework should take most students about 30 minutes to complete. Many will finish much faster. It is important that homework not be a painful experience for students (or parents). If your child is unable to complete an assignment, just write me a quick note. I will work with your child to complete the assignment.
Our Encore Schedule Day 1 - Gym Day 2 - Library Day 3 - Music Day 4 - Gym Day 5 - Art Day 6 - Music
Our Morning Classes With Miss Oshnock 9:05-9:25 – Homeroom 9:25-10:45 –n Language Arts (Reading, Spelling, Writing, Grammar) 10:45-11:25 – Encore 11:25-12:05 – Guided Reading and Skill Groups 12:05-12:35 – Lunch 12:35 – 1:05 - Recess
Our Afternoon Classes 1:05 -1:45 – Science with Mrs. Reilley 1:45-2:25 – Social Studies with Mrs. Reilley 2:25-3:45 – Math with Mrs. Ball 3:45- Get ready to go home 3:50- Dismissal
Storytown Students will receive new spelling words each Monday and will be tested each Friday, unless otherwise notified. Robust vocabulary will be sent home every Monday along with the spelling list. Weekly reading tests will be given every Friday, and will assess comprehension, vocabulary, and skills for each lesson.
Writing Your child will have many opportunities throughout the year to practice writing for different purposes. The following are some examples of types of writing your child may be doing in third grade. Editing Response to a prompt Narrative Descriptive Paragraphs Informative Persuasive Journaling
The Language Component Parts of speech Sentence structure Types of sentences Complete sentences Capitalization Punctuation Grammar Writing
Go Math! Addition and Subtraction within 1,000 Represent and Interpret Data Understand Multiplication Concepts, Facts, and Strategies (Third graders are required to memorize Multiplication facts 0-9 and will practice facts as well). Count money and make change Tell Time and Calculate Elapsed Time Geometry – 2-dimensional shapes and perimeter and area Measurement – length, mass, capacity Understand and Compare Fractions Understand Division Concepts, Facts, and Strategies
Science Fusion Investigating Questions Engineering Process Plants and Animals Ecosystems and Interactions Changes to the Earth’s Surface Earth and Its Moon Physical Properties and Matter
Social Studies What is a Community? Where People Start Communities Communities Grow and Change Living Together in a Community, State and Nation Geography Map Skills Chart and Graph Skills (timelines, graphs, flow charts)
Reminders Morning Tutoring – all are invited on Tuesday and Thursday mornings (8:40 start) Wellness Walk
Birthdays Treats are allowed to celebrate special days. Please precut any food if necessary. Any food containing nuts is not permitted.
Positive Rewards Green-Yellow-Red System for Voice Levels Quiet Critter Small Change to Cat’s Cash (monthly incentives) Think, Act, Be Pawsitive (Schoolwide Positive Behavior) Smarty Pants Award for “AH-HA” moment! Treasure Chest & Class Rewards Piggy Bank Team Reward Positive Traits Bingo Card for individual recognition Homework Assignment Book – Please check and sign daily
GLSD Website LES main page Miss Oshnock’s page Story Town GoMath! Think Central Resources
Home-School Connection PTO Clearance Packet
Home-School Connection Ideas for Homework Help: – Quiet space – Materials – pencil, crayons, scissors, glue – Encourage best work – Refer to class work for help Fun Websites for Parents & Kids: – – – –
Scavenger Hunt Can you find: – Your child’s seat & locker – Your child’s text books – Read the Sweet Dreams Poem with your child – Read the “What If” Poem on the desk and be ready to write your own “What If” Poem on the first day of school. – Drop an encouraging line on your child’s fish Visit the Encore teachers Visit the Book Fair in the library Visit the PTO & the Spirit Wear Sale
Thank You For Attending!