Chino High School
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character. These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921.
Being a member of the National Honor Society means more than just wearing an extra stole on graduation day. NHS is a nationally recognized society of stellar students. NHS membership may be placed on college/university applications. NHS provides an opportunity to be involved in improving your school community. NHS provides an additional seal on your diploma stating your membership.
Four main purposes have guided chapters of NHS from the beginning: to create enthusiasm for scholarship; to stimulate a desire to render service; to promote leadership; and to develop character in the students of secondary schools. These purposes also translate into the criteria used for membership selection in each local chapter. All juniors and seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.7 is invited to apply.
Students must sign the contract page outlining requirements and expectations of participation in the program. Peer Tutoring: 18 hours/ semester Community Service Project: 30 hour commitment Two teacher recommendation letters Teachers will need to place these sealed letters in my mailbox by the application due date. Please contact them as soon as possible. Personal Statement Yearly dues of $35 for seniors and $15 for juniors This will cover your stole to be worn at graduation and the seal that will be placed on your diploma.
National Honor Society students are given a unique opportunity to develop their abilities to collaborate, to communicate, to think critically and to be creative. Please submit a typed, two-page, double-spaced personal statement addressing these three areas: Who are you? Why are you interested in joining the National Honor Society? Give a brief description of how you already exhibit and/or hope to develop the abilities of collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity.
Meetings Mandatory lunch meetings will be required once a month. Service Peer Tutoring: 18 hours/ semester Community Service Project: 30 hours You will propose and execute a project to implement to better CHS. Translation Services TA in a low performing class Garden Project Recognition Team of Student Successes Beautification Team
Upon completion of the application, the NHS committee will review your application. You will be notified the week of April 5th of the decision. Be prepared to attend the induction ceremony on Tuesday, April 12 at 6pm in the MPR. This is a formal event so you will need to dress nicely. Students that are being inducted by NHS tradition wear WHITE. Be prepared to meet at 5:30 pm on the day of induction at the MPR. We will have an end of the year banquet where members will showcase their community service projects.
The committee reserves the right to dismiss any students who do not meet the requirements. This is a prestigious society that requires much of its members. Be sure that you can complete all requirements before you decided whether or not to apply.