WHY NUCCA? Imagine that it is possible to correct the alignment of the entire spine from one place, restoring ALL of the structures of the body to a normal position…
WHY NUCCA? Imagine restoring all of the functions that had been affected by the subluxated spine…
WHY NUCCA? Imagine that it is possible to predict the outcome of the adjustment; not just in terms of the bone being contacted, but in objective, structural, “whole body” terms…
WHY NUCCA? Imagine having the ability to find the point of origin in the subluxated spine and then adjusting it from that place…
WHY NUCCA? And imagine correcting all of it, thereby reversing the progressive and degenerative effects of subluxation…
WHY NUCCA? What if it is possible to relate the position of the skull to not just the atlas and axis, but to the entire spine & pelvis?
WHY NUCCA? What if one adjustment at the atlas transverse process could restore the natural symmetry of balance to the body’s musculature, equalizing the functional “short leg”, level and untwist the pelvis, and restoring leg-to-leg balance?
WHY NUCCA? What if one adjustment could consistently last for months and sometimes year?
The Answer… These are all possible and is the promise that arises out of decades of investigates by the National Upper Cervical Chiropractic Association (NUCCA)…
What is NUCCA?
What is NUCCA? Dr. Ralph Gregory 1940s The Developer!
What is NUCCA? Atlas (Atlas Subluxation Complex) Brainstem Orthogonal Body Balance Clearing Interference
What is NUCCA? Objective Findings 3 Views Lateral Nasium Vertex
What is NUCCA? Instruments Vertex Square Cephalometer Relatoscope
What is NUCCA? 4 Basic Types: Type152% Type223% Type3 7% Type418% THE most important things to understanding NUCCA.
What is NUCCA?
Objective Findings Measures Weight Difference Hip Height Body Rotation
What is NUCCA? Placement of the head is crucial in the adjustment procedure.
What is NUCCA? The Adjustment!