TRAINING Training is Key! Train Navigators and CACs Train additional staff members as CACs to answer questions
PARTNERSHIPS Look for partnerships to increase enrollment and for support Media Outlets- We utilized newspapers, TV stations, and radio shows WDIV Phone Bank- Referrals to Agency and Interviews CMS- Detroit Auto Show, Detroit Bike Expo Hospitals- We partnered with hospitals to help them with enrollment efforts Politicians and local leaders- We reached out to local leaders for enrollment efforts Enroll America- Door to Door Knocking Tribes Other Partners Local Universities and Colleges Other FQHC Clinics Navigator Network Health Fairs
WORKING WITH TRIBES Attending Pow Wows and Annual Meetings Training Tribal Staff list for tribal navigators See Plans Before I Apply
ENROLLMENT PLAN Staffing 4 Navigators 11 Certified Application Counselors Enrollment Activities Outreach and Education One-on-one appointments Phone assistance- reliance on CACs Social Media Facebook, blog, website, Other Resources Kiosk Education Materials
APPOINTMENTS Multiple staff members trained as CAC’s in addition to 3 Navigators. CACs had basic knowledge to answer questions or direct them to the appropriate place Our front reception scheduled appointments for our Navigator in 1 hour increments for ACA enrollments Medicaid expansion occurred late in Michigan so we now offer 20 min appointments for Medicaid only appointments Clients are reminded to bring in proof of income and Date of Birth/Social Security numbers for all members in their household. This saves a lot of time Other time-saving techniques Ask client for their ID and if their address is correct Type in the application for clients instead of them typing
TRACKING Appointments were tracked in Scheduling Package We utilized paper tracking form