‘ Family Offer’ Information session Universal and Universal Plus Family Support Services
Current position Sandwell currently has a range of Family Support Services including children’s centres; family support for children and young people 5-18; young fathers work; work with parents with learning disability; autism advice service; south Asian families with children with a disability Existing contracts and grants end on 31 March 2017
Re-modelling Re-modelling proposals for services to commence 1 April 2017 Town-based service Integrated services bringing together the different elements of existing services 0-19 service Current consultation being undertaken to gather feedback on these points.
Children’s Centres Existing core children’s centres will form the central focus for the service To fit with the town approach there will be a move from 7 to 6 clusters of centres Existing nursery plus centres will be retained but will have a greater role for the provision of ELT places and extended 30 hrs places for NEF The new service will need to retain good working relationships with nursery plus centres
Early Help: Universal and Universal Plus services The new service will form a key element of the Early Help strategy. The service will work primarily at the Universal Plus level but will retain some Universal elements eg information point For further details of levels please refer to the SSCB Multi Agency Thresholds Document (March 2017)
CAF system Services will continue to receive workflow through the COG managers and from other services eg Health Visitors The services will continue to use the existing CAF system; chair TAF meetings; act as Lead Professional; etc Outcomes Star will be used to measure distance-travelled in all cases
Information and advice The service will be a key hub for the provision of information, advice and support for local families The service is expected to have a good knowledge of services in their respective town area It is hoped that existing benefits advice services will continue to be delivered through centres (separate contracts)
Parenting programmes The service will be required to deliver a range of approved parenting programmes at different levels/for different ages of children & young people in their respective town area
Early Years The service will not be a direct provider of ELT or NEF services for children There will be move away from the service being a direct provider of ‘Stay and Play’ type sessions for parents with young children The service will be expected to have a volunteer co-ordinator to recruit, train and support volunteers to run such groups Other elements of Early Years services are to be confirmed.
Links to health services The service is required to have a close working relationship with Health Visitors to provide early intervention as necessary to support families It is expected that children’s centres will continue to provide a venue for clinics, development checks, etc Other elements of joint work with health services are under discussion.
Questions ?
Timeline 2 stage tender process Advert will be placed in August 2016 PQQ will need to be returned by mid September Tender documents released to successful agencies in early October Deadline for receipt of tenders likely to be mid November Decisions scheduled for end of 2016