PREPARE TO LISTEN Prepare mentally –Read assignment Avoid distractions –Personal –Put your “stuff” away Right attitude Prepare physically
LISTEN CRITICALLY Challenge assumptions Evaluate what you have learned –Speaker –Message –Details –Self-knowledge –Relates to life
POOR LISTENING HAPPENS BECAUSE… Noise –Physical –Internal –External The teacher –Too fast/too slow –Monotone –Only lecture Physical barriers Psychological barriers –Sleep –Depression
REMEMBERING… Ask questions during class Participate Recording lecture –Audiotape –Videotape –Picture phones
NOTE TAKING STRATEGIES- GENERAL Listen for main ideas Space out info. Review notes ASAP Develop your style Use outline style
NOTE TAKING STRATEGIES- TYPES OF LEARNER Visual learner –Create flowcharts/graphs Aural learner –Take notes; then read aloud Read/write learner –Write/describe Kinesthetic learner –Create activity to remember material