Cornell Notes, Annotating, Outline Method, & Webs INTRODUCTION TO COLLEGE NOTE TAKING STRATEGIES
Journal Prompt... What are some of the note taking strategies that you are familiar with to help you take notes about a text that you are reading? What works the best for you? The worst?
Learning Goal... Utilize note-taking methods in order to pull the main points or take aways out of a text. Identify and distinguish between different types of note taking
Why is taking notes important? Contrary to popular belief, you do not remember everything that you read or hear!!! Note taking allows you to go back later and remember the main ideas about a particular text when reviewing for a quiz, exam, or essay In short, taking notes can be annoying, but it saves you time in the long run!
Why is taking notes important for this class? You will be expected to take notes for the two research papers (APA and MLA) that we complete in this course We are going over these strategies to give you ideas of how you might like to organize your thoughts This is a college prep course; a LARGE portion of college courses (especially lecture halls) are about taking notes.
Different strategies that we will be covering... Cornell Notes Annotating Outline Method Webs
Strategy #1: Cornell Notes This strategy involves dividing your paper into three sections: Cues (Left Column) Notes (Right Column) Summary (Bottom Column) This can be used while either reading an article or listening to a lecture.
Cornell Note Practice: Reading You will be assigned one article based on the book you chose for literature circles Unwind: “Why Selling Kidneys Should be Legal” Children of Men: “The Fertility Implosion” Fahrenheit 451: “Light Out, Huck, They Still want to Sivilize You” Never Let Me Go: ”All Clones are Not the Same” Brave New World: “Genetically Modified Babies” Read this article, using it to take Cornell notes Make sure you do the summary portion on the bottom, and that you are an EXPERT on your topic
Cornell Note Practice: Reading (Part II) Now, you will be divided into groups where each person has a different article You will discuss the key points of your article (using your notes) Work together to fill out the handout given
Strategy #2: Outlining Most of you have probably had to take notes using this strategy some time or another This strategy involves organizing your notes, from more general to more specific A Pro to this type of note taking: you can organize the notes however you want as far as category!
Outlining Note Practice: Lecture Watch the following clip: /dinos /dinos While doing so, use the outlining note template to take notes on what the speaker is discussing After, we will compare and see how each of your classmates set up notes
Strategy #3: Annotating/ “Talking to the Text” Making a series of notes having to deal with the text you are reading Responding to what you are reading
Journal Prompt...Give One, Get One On one sheet of your journal, divide in half lengthwise Label one side “Gots” and one side “Needs” On the “Gots” side, list all of the strategies that you can think of that you could use when you are confronted with a text that is hard to understand
Journal Prompt Part Two: “Needs” After you have listed as many strategies as you can, get out of your seats! Go around the room and ask others what strategies they listed If someone has a strategy that you didn’t think of, place it on the “needs” side of your paper We will come together and share out what strategies you all came up with!
Annotating Practice With your assigned partner, annotate the poem provided in your packets together Keep in mind the strategies that we listed together as a class Use the first stanza that we did together as a model At the end, we will share out what types of annotations we made
Strategy #4: Webs This strategy is useful for more visual people Similar to outlining, just with bubbles! Usually, the main topic or concept is placed in the big bubble, and then several branches are made that go into more specifics about the topic We did this with our mind maps!
Web Notes Practice Watch the following Ted Talk: sts/171/the_most_popular _talks_of_all sts/171/the_most_popular _talks_of_all While watching, take notes using the template given in your packets We will be comparing these notes after!