Reading answers 1. What do we know about Olivia and Bastien’s ages and birthdays? Olivia is 13, birthday 30 January (30/1) [3] Bastien is 14 [1] 2. What does she tell us about Pierre? He is her brother [1] He is really (very) boring [2] He loves playing cards [2] and reading books [1]
3. Olivia says she is sporty. Give all details about the physical activities she does. She does swimming with her friends after school (college) [4] she plays soccer with her dog in the park [3] 4. Give details about her neighbourhood and explain how she feels about it. There is a swimming pool and a skating rink [2] There is no leisure centre [1] It’s rubbish [1]
5. Where does Bastien live? In Mairangi Bay opposite the shops [3] 6. What is Bastien’s favourite subject and why is this useful for his homework? Favourite subject is computers (IT) [1] He likes to do his homework on the computer [1] so it’s useful that it’s something he likes [2]
7. What does he like to do on the computer? surf the Internet [1] chat on MSN (online) [1] 8. What details does he mention about the weekend? when it rains in winter [2] he likes to stay at home [2] and play chess with his dad [2] He loves that [1]
9. How does the family spend time together during the weekend? Give all details. on Saturday nights [2] they go to MacDonalds [1] and then they go to the cinema [1] to see (watch) a film [1] It’s great [1] 10. What does he say about pets? He has a white cat [2] and some goldfish [1] but his favourite animal [1] is mice (mouse) [1]
11. Do you think Olivia and Bastien would be good friends if they knew each other? Give reasons for your answer. Yes + good reason = [2] - e.g. they are similar ages and both like animals OR No + good reason = [2] - she is sporty and he likes indoor activities 50 marks