Terms of Engagement Historic Hullabaloo Catchy Categories Go for Government Crazy Constitution
Courts enforce them and you can’t opt out of them
What are Laws
This kind of law is passed by a government
What are Statute Laws
These Latin words ensure you appear in court in a reasonable amount of time after being arrested
What is Habeas Corpus
These three principles form the “Rule of Law” DAILY DOUBLE!
What are Necessary, Universal and Not arbitrary
This legal concept punishes the offender with the purpose of revenge or public display
What is Retribution
The Statute of Westminster made these two changes to Canada
What are Making laws independently & creating international agreements
Clue: Thou shalt honour thy mother and father
What is Mosaic Law
This form of early British law proved someone was innocent by suggesting God would heal their wound
What is Trial by Ordeal
This job title was created by Roman Law
What is a Lawyer
This historic document created the Rule of Law
What is The Magna Carta
This general category of law is used between individuals
What is Private Law
Headline: John Smith set to appear in court on charges of murder This is an example of which legal category
What is Criminal Law
These two categories of law are the most basic levels of domestic law
What are Substantive and Procedural Laws
Headline: Vancouver city council to vote on requiring Air BnB’s to have a business license This is an example of which legal category
What is Property Law
This category of law allows individuals to seek compensation for damages from other individuals
What is Tort Law
This elected part of the government is responsible for passing laws
What is The House of Commons
A law does not come into effect until this procedures happens by a specific person – Name the event and person responsible for it
What is Royal Assent & Governor General
Votes in the House of Commons happen at these stages
What are Second and Third Reading
These are the branches of the Federal Government
What are Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, & Judicial Branch
This is only step that is different between passing a law at the Federal and Provincial levels
What is The Senate
This document served as Canada’s 1 st constitution
What is The BNA Act, 1867
The constitution divides powers and responsibilities to these levels of government
What are Federal & Provincial governments
Defence, Currency, Postal Service, Borders are examples of this government’s responsibilities
What is The Federal Government
Education, Health Care, and Licensing are examples of this government’s responsibilities
What is The Provincial Government
The Constitution identifies this person as the head of state in Canada
Who is The Queen