Name numerals from 11 to 100!
Give answers! = = = = = = = =
Listen and read!
Read! grey play say
Read the words! [ ei ] [ e] bread, eat, grey, read, healthy, breakfast, away, speak, play, please, teacher, say, today, may, head, pen
Let’s have a rest! Touch your head, Touch your nose, Touch your ears, Touch your toes. Jump and run. Let’s have fun! Wash your face, Wash your hands, Clean your teeth, Be healthy, please!
What, Where, When, How, Why. … does the boy go to school? … has he got? … does he see a green frog? … can the boy swim? … is his teacher sad?
Write a story! My friend goes to … in the morning. His jeans are … and his shirt is …. He … nice! He has got a … bag with books, pens and pencils. In the park he sees a …. It can … well. My friend can … well, too!
Homework Workbook: Lesson 27 Write a story (по желанию)