GCE Performing Arts AS Unit 1 and 2
AS 1 Developing Skills and Repertoire Students will: develop one discipline (Performance or Production); apply this discipline in a performance context; work individually and in groups of between 2 and 9; and explore two contrasting extracts of repertoire.
AS 1 Developing Skills and Repertoire (cont.) Students will: research their discipline: style and genre, skills required; assess their current skill level: skills audit; research two contrasting extracts of repertoire; develop an action plan (strategies to improve skills); complete a risk assessment; engage in ongoing self-evaluation and record progress; and present the two contrasting extracts of repertoire (10-20 minutes).
AS 1 Developing Skills and Repertoire (cont.) Assessment Evidence Each student must produce a portfolio of work consisting of: a summary of research (in 3 sections) (1 word-processed side of A4 paper per section); a skills audit (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a record of work (10 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a risk assessment (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a recording of performances/presentations that include three stages of skills development for each extract of repertoire (10-20 minutes in total per student); and an evaluation (3 word-processed sides of A4 paper).
What is a Skills Audit? A Skills Audit includes four basic elements: a)a list of the skills needed for your chosen discipline b)experience to date in these skills c)current level of ability in these skills d)areas for development in these skills
How do I start? Start with an introductory paragraph, summarising your experience to date in the Performing Arts in general and your chosen discipline specifically.
You can create a table Skills needed to be an… My experience using these skills My current skill level Areas for development:
a)a list of the skills needed for your chosen discipline Using the research you have completed and referring to the learning outcomes you will list the skills needed in the first column.
Reflect on the experience you have had using these skills. You can include experience outside of exam classes and school e.g. participation in amateur dramatics, workshops, church and social groups, work experience Complete the second column. b) experience to date in these skills
c) current level of ability in these skills You need to make a judgement on whether your skill level in these areas is: HIGH Little development needed MEDIUM Some development needed LOW Development needed Complete the third column and give reasons summarising why you feel this is your current skill Level.
Once you have completed the audit, pick out the skills you feel need to be most developed. Complete the Areas for Development section of the table. You will focus on developing these skills through working on the two contrasting extracts of repertoire. d) areas for development in these skills
AS 1 Developing Skills and Repertoire (cont.) Assessment Evidence Each student must produce a portfolio of work consisting of: a summary of research (in 3 sections) (1 word-processed side of A4 paper per section); a skills audit (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a record of work (10 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a risk assessment (2 word-processed sides of A4 paper); a recording of performances/presentations that include three stages of skills development for each extract of repertoire (10-20 minutes in total per student); and an evaluation (3 word-processed sides of A4 paper).
Assessment Criteria for an Action Plan Band 4: ‘fully developed action plans reflecting thorough understanding of self management and working with others’
understanding of self management relates to – managing and regulating self; planning work and completing within deadlines; evaluating strengths and weaknesses; reviewing progress, setting goals and targets. working with others relates to – working collaboratively; listening actively and sharing opinions; negotiating and compromising; giving and responding to feedback; taking personal responsibility for work with others and evaluating their own and others contribution to the group.
Possible Headings for Risk Assessment Venue Performance/Production Hazards Persons at Risk Risk Factors – (rate the likelihood of the risk and the severity of possible outcomes) Control Measures Action to be taken Reassessment/review
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event Pre-release stimulus material Students will: interpret the stimulus to create a performing arts event drawing on existing material; and work in groups of between 2 and 9 (minimum of 1 performer per group).
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event Students will: agree the venue, target audience, style, form and genre; analyse a range of live or recorded performing arts events; select two ideas for experimentation; implement one of these ideas in their own event; analyse and evaluate the process of planning, experimentation and rehearsal; and present the event to an audience and the external examiner (10-40 minutes).
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event Assessment Evidence Each student must produce a supporting document under controlled conditions: Time: a maximum of two hours Supervision: a teacher formally supervises the examination Word limit:Section 1 – 600 words Section 2 – 1200 words Section 3 – 600 words
AS 2: Planning and Realising a Performing Arts Event Assessment Evidence (cont.) Section 1 Response to the pre-release stimulus material Section 2 Developing the performing arts event Section 3 - a rationale for their choice of one idea implemented in the event - an evaluation - a summative statement
Administration Instructions to Teachers Unit AS 1 Candidate Record Sheet (Unit AS 1) (Submission of samples of work to CCEA by specified date in CCEA Calendar of Events)
Administration Unit AS 2 Examination Record Sheet (Unit AS 2) (to be returned to CCEA by 28 February) Supporting Document (Unit AS 2) (to be submitted to CCEA by specified date in CCEA Calendar of Events) Statement of Authenticity/Coversheet (for Supporting Document)
Administration Joint Teaching Arrangements/Consortiums If you are delivering this course in collaboration with another centre or you are teaching students from your own and/or other centres, the lead centre must complete the following form and submit it to CCEA: Form JCQ/CCA Application for Centre Consortium Arrangement for centre-assessed work (Unit AS 1) (to be submitted to CCEA by end January every year for Summer series examinations)
Subject Microsite
CCEA Contacts Subject Officer (Teresa Livingstone) ext 2296 Specification Support Officer (Nola Fitzsimons) ext 2235