Chapter 17 Quality Control
QC Organization Oversight QC Department No QC department – QA oversight Oversight Part of work centers – “delegated” inspectors Mechanic/supervisor in work center Limited in inspections – specific areas Part of M & E – “dedicated” inspectors Experienced mechanic, technician, engineer Trained on general inspection techniques
QC Functions Aircraft inspections Shop inspections Material inspections Testing/calibration
JAA Europe (JAA) Not regulatory - advisory No QC organization Certified/trained mechanic Qualified to inspect own work Properly training Approved by QA department
Inspector Qualifications Valid mechanic’s license 2 years of work experience without violations Complete company training Knowledge of airline regulations, policies, procedures Know RII program Competed QC inspector course Successfully passed QC exam
Inspector Inspector course QC duties/responsibilities Instruction on Inspection procedures/techniques Corrosion (detection and control) Nondestructive tests/inspection techniques Review regulatory/airline procedures Maintain proficiency
Inspection Policies Generally accepted policies Use of inspector’s stamp for official acceptance of work Continuity of inspection across shift boundaries Countermand of inspector’s decision Reinspection of rejected work Inspection of one’s own work
Inspector Stamp Each inspector has stamp Numbered and controlled Responsible for security and control Signing off Review work Initial work card Stamp work card Surrender stamp when leaving company
Policies Inspection across more than 1 shift Airline has procedures Information /status passed to next shift Transfer of inspection authority Countermand of inspector decision Manager of QC only person Mechanic cannot override Overridden decision Responsibility falls on airline
Policies Buyback Re-inspected after work completed Supervisor of mechanic has buyback authority if no QC inspector available Inspecting own work Two signatures Completion of work QC inspector signs off their tasks Senior QC inspector Ensures all tasks have been completed Signed off Releases aircraft our of check
Other Activities Non-destructive tests/inspection X-rays, ultrasound, dyes, boroscopes Conducts tests/inspections Calibration of tools/test equipment Marked with sticker of last calibration Procedures for malfunctioning equipment Special Reports Mechanical reliability report (MRR) QC reports to FAA (Table 17-2) Mechanical interruption summary (MIS) QC reports to FAA
RIIs Properly administer Endanger safe operations Installation, rigging, adjustment of flight controls Installation and repair of major structural components Installation of engines Overhaul, calibration, rigging of components Mechanic signs off Second person approved by QA