Statewide Transportation Planning Oklahoma DOT Planning Process Statewide Long Range Transportation Plan Statewide Freight Transportation Plan Arkansas Oklahoma Strong Ports Workshop July 2016 Ft. Smith, Arkansas
Statewide Transportation Planning Long Range & Freight Transportation Plans Oklahoma Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP), approved August Oklahoma Freight Transportation Plan (OFTP), TBD
Statewide Transportation Planning Oklahoma Long Range Transportation Plan Basis ● Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21 st Century (MAP 21)* Purpose To provide general guidance regarding State’s goals for multimodal mobility on surface transportation system To comply with federal requirements* and ensure eligibility for federal funds
Statewide Transportation Planning State and Federal LRTP Goals Safe and Secure Travel Preserve and maintain infrastructure Provide mobility choice, connectivity, and accessibility Support economic vitality Exercise environmental responsibility Provide for efficient intermodal system performance and operation
Statewide Transportation Planning Performance Measures Safe and Secure Travel - Traffic related fatalities and serious injuries Bridge Condition – Number of structurally deficient bridges Preservation of Pavement – Good/fair/poor condition index for NHS highways Economic Vitality – Reliable freight travel time/speed - Measure of freight tonnage
Statewide Transportation Planning Selected LRTP Policies- Highway SYSTEM PRESERVATION Preserve and improve the condition of highways and bridges by implementing performance measurement and asset management systems. SAFETY Reduce fatalities and serious injuries on Oklahoma highways…cable barriers and shoulders on narrow two-lane highways
Statewide Transportation Planning Selected LRTP Policies- Highway EFFICIENT SYSTEM ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Improve operational performance of highways …Use technology & traveler information; modify interchange, interchange ramps, and/or intersections …Make improvements w/i current footprint SAFETY Provide safe and efficient National Highway System to improve commercial motor vehicle mobility …development of Ports of Entry
Statewide Transportation Planning Selected LRTP Policies- Rail MOBILITY CHOICE Preserve and maintain existing passenger rail service to provide people with multimodal options for intercity travel SAFETY Improve rail conditions, operations and safety …improve rail-highway grade crossings ECONOMIC VITALITY Improve rail-highway-port connections to facilitate intermodal freight movement.
Statewide Transportation Planning Selected LRTP Policies- Waterways & Airports ECONOMIC VITALITY/CONNECTIVITY Enhance intermodal freight connectivity through improved by targeting improvements to highways and railroads that provide access to the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System (MKARNS) ports. CONNECTIVITY Improve intermodal freight and passenger connectivity through improved access to air cargo and aviation facilities.
Statewide Transportation Planning LRTP- Funding for the Future Category Total Estimated Cost = $37.5 Billion Forecasted Revenue = $28.5 Billion (2013$)Dollars
Statewide Transportation Planning Oklahoma Freight Transportation Plan ( OFTP) , TBD Basis ● Fixing America’s Surface Transportation System (FAST) Act Purpose To provide outline of State’s freight transportation activities and investments To comply with federal requirements and ensure eligibility for federal funds
Statewide Transportation Planning OFTP – Required Plan Contents Identify freight trends, needs, issues Describe freight policies, strategies, performance measures Describe how Plan will address national freight policy goals Identify bottlenecks & congestion locations Propose & screen strategies Develop fiscally constrained five year freight investment plan
Statewide Transportation Planning Freight – FAST Act Fixing America’s Surface Transportation National Highway Freight Program Freight Network Annual formula $ to States Discretionary $ to States (FASTLANE)
Statewide Transportation Planning Freight Network Interim NMFN includes National Highway Freight Network (PHFN, U/R CFCs) Final Primary Highway Freight Network + critical freight corridors plus … ‘’ Class I railroads; Great Lakes; 50 airports w greatest landed weight Public ports w 2M tons of trade annually* – Port of Catoosa, OK & Helena AR Port Inland & intracoastal waterways - MKARNS Other strategic freight assets and intermodal facilities (designated by Under Sec. of Commerce) *
Statewide Transportation Planning Freight Formula Funds to States Funds to states for efficient movement of freight on National Highway Freight Network State may use up to 10% for intermodal or rail freight projects
Statewide Transportation Planning Discretionary Freight funds Competitive grants (FASTLANE) Criteria ● Improve safety & reliability of freight movement Generate regional/national economic benefits Reduce congestion & bottlenecks Improve connectivity of modes Enhance resiliency & protect environment Improve roadways vital to nat’l energy security Address impact of population growth on goods/person mobility Eligibility ● highway, rail, water intermodal freight project
Statewide Transportation Planning US DOT – Agencies involved with freight Under US DOT – Safety, Modes, Operations, Regulatory, Management … FAA: Aviation FHWA: Roadways and Bridges FRA: Railways MARAD: Maritime FMCSA: Trucking and Motorcarrier Safety NHTSA: Automobile Safety OIG: Inspector General OST: Office of the Secretary PHMSA: Pipelines and Hazardous Materials SLSDC: St. Lawrence Seaway STB: Surface Transportation
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