Centennial High School Online Registration Guide Please follow the step-by step instructions on the following slides to complete your online course selections.
Tip: If you have trouble logging in to Student VUE, try using upper case letters.
Please keep in mind as we get started that your are entering the course requests for next year – not your schedule! You will have eight credits of course requests and 3 credits of alternates. The final assignment of courses into your schedule is not done until summer!
You will notice that lunch is pre-loaded for you! Start here!
Enter your 1 st course request here Then, click “Search Courses”
Make sure you place a dot in the circle next to “Request” Then, hit the wide button above (yellow arrow)
And Voila! This student has added English III to their course requests!
Sometimes course numbers may yield more than one course. Double check that you are selecting the correct course before you add to your course list.
Ignore pre-req warnings at this time. Repeat the course request process until you’ve entered all eight credits. These should be your first choice courses! Your total at the bottom of the right column should say 8.0
Time to add Alternates! All students need 3 credits of alternate courses!! These should also be carefully selected. The process for entering Alternate courses is exactly the same, except mark the circle next to “Alternate” instead of Request.
Tips for 9 week courses: Some courses are taught for 9 weeks and usually have a “partner” course that you must also enter. For example, Weight Training is split up into Beginning Weight Training (17506 for girls) and Advanced Weight Training (17508). Drivers Ed (17520) and Rec Sports (17504) are often taken together, and Psychology (13503) and Sociology (13504) are two other classes that are typically taken together. Please enter BOTH course numbers separately when registering for these courses. Notice that Beginning Weight Training alone earns 0.5 credit.
Notice both sections of Weight Training are entered. This is what a completed registration should look like! 8 credits on top, and 3 credits of alternates. You’re all done! Simply log out on the top right. Your selections are saved.
Final reminders Please make sure your paper ECAP is completed and ready to turn in on your assigned day next week! Make sure your parent has signed your form. Counselors will be meeting with you on your assigned day to answer any questions you have!