ELSA Law Schools ICM Porto. Content o Introduction o General overview of the Regulations o Statistics o ELSA Law Schools Calendar o Roundtable Discussions.


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Presentation transcript:

ELSA Law Schools ICM Porto

Content o Introduction o General overview of the Regulations o Statistics o ELSA Law Schools Calendar o Roundtable Discussions o Case-study

ELSA Law Schools

Law Schools o Domestic event o Participants from one country o National or Local event o Does not have to meet requirements stated in the Decision Book of ELSA International o International event o Participants from more countries o Called ELSA Law School o Meets requirements stated in the Decision Book of ELSA International

Regulations o ELSA International Decision Book o officers.elsa.org o S&C Part o S&C Policies, Minimum Quality Standards and Responsibilities o Fees under FM part o Annex III: Participation fee for ELSA Law Schools

Requirements of an ELSA Law School 1.International events conducted in English 2.At least 7 days o Excluding the day of arrival but including the day of departure 3.Consists of a scientific, cultural and social programme 4.At least 20 hours of scientific programme o If the duration of the ELSA Law School exceeds 7 days, the total scientific programme shall be prolonged by 4 hours per each extra day 5.Organised in a close co-operation with an academic or institutional partner o Partner shall supervise and guarantee the quality of the scientific programme (law faculty, public institution, law firm, etc.) 6.Complies with ELSA Law Schools Cycle o follows the ELSA Law Schools Calendar

Roles connected with ELSA Law Schools o ELSA Law Schools System o composed of all the individual ELSA Law Schools organised in the ELSA Network o An ELSA Law School o project organised by the Organising Committee of a National or Local Group of ELSA o ELSA International o responsible for the overall coordination of the ELSA Law School System

Participation Fee shall include o academic programme; o social programme; o cultural programme (e.g. sightseeing); o accommodation; o breakfast for every day excluding the day of arrival; o lunch for every day excluding either the day of arrival or the day of departure; o dinner for every day excluding the day of departure; o transportation during the official programme o administrative costs


ELSA Law Schools Calendar 2016/2017

Roundtable Discussion How should the unselected applicants be informed?

Roundtable Discussion How to confirm that an applicant is actually an ELSA member?

Roundtable Discussion Should we limit the number of applications per person?

Roundtable Discussion Which tools can ELSA International create to help Organising Committees?

Case Study