The power of thoughts The exercise of our will
Our thoughts affect our beliefs Our beliefs affect our actions Our actions reinforce our thoughts
The repeating of something gives it strength
Repetition creates a habit A repeated habit becomes a lifestyle A repeated lifestyle becomes a stronghold A stronghold is a fortified place Our thoughts and will create fortified behaviours in our lives – for good or for bad
God gives us FREE WILL It is the ultimate expression of LOVE. This is why God gave us a WILL… … to chose Him, or to reject Him. We all want to be loved for who we are For ourselves… Not for what we have, and Not for what we can do To live in dominion rule To establish His will and purposes M
God gives us the choice… …to choose – Life… …or to choose – Death! What will you choose? Who will you serve? Who will you follow? Who will you worship? What do you do about Jesus?
Before we knew Christ we were bound and enslaved by… Sin and death Sickness and disease Curses Demonic influence Christ overcame them all. So we can have freedom – if we want it
Warning! Do not depart from the Faith
God Willing relationship