The Icon of the Resurrection
An Icon is an image of God’s likeness, or in some way, a reflection of God’s spirit eg. a saint is an “icon”, or image, of God. An icon reflects and is connected, to the deep and holy reality of God. When we stand in front of an icon, we are in somehow gazing at heaven, because we are standing in front of an image/ reflection of God. In the Orthodox Church, this is how people pray: by standing before icons of the Jesus, Mary and the Saints, they feel they are standing before the mystery of God. Jesus in particular, is the image of God. He died on the cross, to forgive our sins, so that we too could be God’s image and icon. 1. Explain what an icon is, and why Orthodox Christians pray in front of them. **Do you have a particular religious image, that makes you feel God’s presence?
1.What is not realistic about these paintings? Bullet point as a list 4 or 5 things. 2.Compare it to the icons on this slide. What similarities (in style) are there between all the different icons? Find 3. 3.Which one do you prefer? What does it make you think of/ feel about it? Explain. **Why do you think the style is always the same, in all icons, and why aren’t they realistic? Icons always seem to be painted in the same style, because the eternal truths never change. They don’t paint realistically, because spiritual things are not the same as earthly things. 1. Things that are not realistic: - Facial features simplified - 2D not 3D – all on a flat plane - Movements are still, timeless - heads often look big, because the sides of the head and the ears have been brought forward to be in line with the front of the face. 3. Similarities in Style : - Gaze is direct at viewer - Figure is in central position, - uncrowded - Colours quite basic
The Icon of the Resurrection Look at the icon. 1.Label the following: Jesus The prophets The kings of Israel (eg David) Hell Broken locks, shattered gates, useless keys the Devil Adam and Eve The white circle/ space around Jesus 2. Now try and explain what the meaning of the painting is, by referring to the different things in the painting – what is it saying, about what Jesus’ resurrection meant? **Look at the way that Adam and Eve’s hands are quite limp, in contrast to Jesus’. What do you think that is saying? When you have finished, you can try and draw your own icon. Ask for a sheet.
The Icon of the Resurrection