Communities Group Minerals Plan Preferred Option and Policies Presentation Planning Policy Team September 2015
Communities Group What we do – statutory functions Requirement to write the County’s Minerals and Waste Development Plan Documents (consulting widely at each stage) - Waste Core Strategy – Adopted July Minerals Plan - Ongoing The Minerals Plan policies, once adopted, will replace the 1995 Minerals Local Plan
Communities Group To be adopted, the Planning Inspectorate must consider the Minerals Plan to be: –Legally compliant; and –‘sound’ i.e. Positively prepared – based on objectively assessed development and infrastructure requirements and achieving sustainable development Justified – the most appropriate strategy and based on proportionate evidence Effective – deliverable over the plan period Consistent with national policy – in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework
Communities Group Plan available at Clay and limestone for cement production County – south
Communities Group Plan available at mineralsafeguarding County – north
Communities Group Shale gas “Of the main potentially prospective shale gas rocks, none are present in Warwickshire in thicknesses or depths that would be expected to be commercially viable.” Ed Hough, Geologist at British Geological Survey …but what about 15 years time? We need to ‘future proof’ through the Minerals Plan
Communities Group Minerals Plan – context Last consultation in February 2009 Document contained: -3 spatial options for locating new minerals sites -19 key issues/policy areas to be addressed - and 27 sites submitted – (22 sand and gravel sites).
Communities Group
Minerals Plan – Where are we now? Since 2010, the National Planning Policy Framework has been issued requiring Local Aggregate Assessments (LAA) to be undertaken. WCC has produced an LAA. The LAA sets out how much sand and gravel and crushed rock the county needs to produce – replaces the former sub-regional apportionment
Communities Group Minerals Plan – Sand & Gravel The NPPF states that MPAs should make provision for a sand and gravel landbank of at least 7 years. Latest figures show Warwickshire’s landbank is 7.2 years (2012 AWP report). Over the total 15 year plan period we will require million tonnes of sand and gravel.
Communities Group KEY DIAGRAM
Communities Group Lea Marston
Communities Group Minerals Plan – Crushed Rock The National Planning Policy Framework requires MPAs to maintain a landbank of 10 years. Latest figures as at suggest Warwickshire’s crushed rock landbank remains healthy at years. However, the deliverability of permitted sites needs to be reassessed. Only 1 crushed rock site producing in Warwickshire
Communities Group Minerals Plan - Other Minerals All other minerals (including crushed rock, coal, etruria marl, brick clay, cement raw materials, etc.) will be addressed through specific planning policies rather than site allocations. The policies will therefore cover issues such as underground coal gasification, coal bed methane and shale gas. Policies now drafted and set out in the plan Preferred Options and Policies’ document, due for consultation in October 2015 – for 6 weeks
Communities Group Key plan preparation stages Preferred Option and Policies consultation Spatial Options consultation Publication consultation Submission to the Secretary of State Independent Examination Adoption This stage Oct 2015
Communities Group Minerals Plan – further information Further updates and consultation information will be available on the Council’s webpage at. Alternatively, please contact the Planning Policy team on or
Communities Group Minerals Plan Any questions?