1 Javia Parth( ) Kachela Raj( ) Kaklotar Tejas( ) Kambodi Dipesh( ) Katariya Darshan( ) Kher Jaydip( ) Khokhariya Jenil( ) GOVERNMENT ENGINEERING COLLEGE,RAJKOT BRANCH-CIVIL SUBJECT- Building materials
Construction materials are mainly divided into two part (1) naturally available material Clay/earth/soil/ Wood/timber Sand/fine aggregate Rock (2) Artificial or industrial material Cement bricks tiles steel Ceramic paint plastic glass Stone lime * approximately 35% of the total Cost is the cost of material. * as per type of finishing material and interior decoration this cost may extend up to 55% or more. 2
Requirements of stone stones are obtained from naturally occurring rock. They obtained from blocks, slabs and broken pieces. 3 (1)structure (2)appearance- color texture (3)weigh (4)fineness of grains (5)durability (6)strength (7)hardness (8)facility of working and dressing
Composition of brick bricks are rectangular blocks made from clay % alumina 50-60% silica <5% lime 0.1% magnesia 5-6% iron oxide The clay should be free from pebbles, gravel, alkalis, organic matter, vegetation and iron pyrites 4
PORTLAND CEMENT THIS TYPE OF CEMENT IS ABOUT 66% OF TOTAL PRODUCTION OF CEMENT. THIS IS MOST IMPORTANT TYPE OF CEMENT AND IS WIDELY USED. Lime 60-67% Silica % Alumina 3-8% Iron oxide 0.5-6% Magnesia 0.1-4% Soda and potash 0.2-1% Sulphur trioxide % Free lime 0-1% 5
Timber Timber is natural building material obtained from trees #Requirements of good timber -it should be dense. -it should have dark uniform Color. -it should have uniform tex- Ture. -Types of trees *phanerogams *cryptogams 66
Types of ceramics (1)crystalline Single phase-MgO, CaO Binary phase-FeO - MgO Ternary phase-CaO-SiO2-Na2O (2)non crystalline-these are natural and synthetic inorganic glasses (3)glass-bonded-the crystalline phases are held in glassy matrix 7
Requirements of good sand (1) it should be clean, free from organic and vegetable matter (2)maximum permissible clay content is 3-4% in sand (3)it should be contain sharp angular and durable grains (4)it should be well graded 1. *sand particles consist of small grains of silica( sio2 ) 8
Properties of aggregate They are resistance to corrosion and decay They are insoluble in water They are of moderate weight They are not affected by weather actions They are strong and durable They have resistance to scratches They have resistance of rainwater and dampness. Types of aggregate *Fine aggregate *Coarse aggregate 9
CONCRETE Concrete is a mixture of cement/lime, sand, crushed rock and water. It is a major building material for construction work. #method of mixing concrete (1)Hand mixing. (2)Machine mixing -rotary mixer -tilting mixer 10
Types of paint Aluminium paint, bituminous, colloidal, graphite, oil, synthetic rubber Anticorrosive, cellulose, emulsion, inodorous, plastic Asbestos, cement, enamel, luminous, silicate Types of varnish -oil varnish -spirit varnish -water varnish -turpentine varnish 11
GLASS # Glass is an amorphous, inorganic, homogeneous, transparent. *USE of GLASS To make laboratory apparatus. To make optical instruments. Crockery, flowerpots, table wares etc Decorative articles Spectacles, lenses Glass bricks Medicine bottles 12
Constraints to Choosing Building Systems (Cont’d) Health codes : Occupational health and safety Fire codes Plumbing codes Electrical codes Building Contractors’ and Labor Unions’ 1.4 Constraints to Choosing Building Systems (Cont’d) Health codes : Occupational health and safety Fire codes Plumbing codes Electrical codes Building Contractors’ and Labor Unions’
14 Material Information Resources Material Information Resources American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American National Standards Institute American National Standards Institute US Bureau of Standards US Bureau of Standards Construction Trade & Professional Associations (Technical specifications often incorporated by ‘reference’) Construction Trade & Professional Associations (Technical specifications often incorporated by ‘reference’) Material Information Resources Material Information Resources American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) American National Standards Institute American National Standards Institute US Bureau of Standards US Bureau of Standards Construction Trade & Professional Associations (Technical specifications often incorporated by ‘reference’) Construction Trade & Professional Associations (Technical specifications often incorporated by ‘reference’)
1.6 Performance Before and After Construction Performance concerns : Building movements, structural deflections, thermal- and moisture- related expansion, heat flow, water vapor migration and condensation, deterioration, building maintenance, etc. Construction Concerns : Safety, built on time, within budget, quality of construction, sequencing of construction operations, inclement weather, quality of materials, etc. 15