The Punic Wars For hundreds of years after the republic’s founding, Rome expanded its territories through trade and conquest. As Rome expanded they competed.


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Presentation transcript:

The Punic Wars For hundreds of years after the republic’s founding, Rome expanded its territories through trade and conquest. As Rome expanded they competed with another Mediterranean power, Carthage. They were in competition for trade

The Punic Wars The Punic Wars were a series of 3 wars between Rome and Carthage – Rome and Carthage were in competition for trade

First Punic War was for control of Sicily and the western Mediterranean. It lasted 23 years and Rome won. In the second of the Punic Wars, a Carthaginian general, Hannibal, invaded the Italian Peninsula. He marched an army that included elephants over the alps mountains. The Romans won the second Punic War.

The third Punic War occurred from B.C. and Rome wanted revenge against Carthage. Rome won the 3 rd Punic War. The 3 Punic Wars resulted in – Roman victory – Destruction of Carthage – Expanded trade & wealth for Rome After victory over Carthage, Rome for over 100 years: – Dominated the Mediterranean Basin – Diffused Roman culture

Rome Continues to Expand Rome conquered the Mediterranean Basin and consolidated power in Western Europe Mediterranean Basin – Africa, Asia, and Europe, including the Hellenistic world of the Eastern Mediterranean Western Europe – Gaul and the British Isles Rome’s military victories spread Roman culture

The Punic Wars and the expansion of the Roman Republic brought many problems – Spread of slavery – Unemployment – Civil war over power of Julius Caesar – Devaluation of Roman coins and inflation The Roman Republic, in the face of changing social and economic conditions, succumbed to civil war and was replaced by an imperial regime, the Roman Empire. End of the Roman Republic

Causes for the decline of the Roman Republic – Spread of slavery in the agricultural system – Migration of small farmers into cities and unemployment – Civil war over the power of Julius Caesar – Devaluation of Roman currency; inflation

Julius Caesar In 60 B.C., Julius Caesar joined forces with Crassus and Pompey in what is called the first triumvirate Caesar was elected consul in 59 B.C. After a 1-year term, Caesar conquered Gaul (France) and he became a very popular general Pompey, now his rival, ordered Caesar to disband his legions and return to Rome Instead, in 49 B.C., Caesar crossed the Rubicon River in Italy & marched on Rome Caesar defeated Pompey’s legions. In 46 B.C., the Senate made him dictator

Julius Caesar In 44 B.C., Julius Caesar is named dictator for life – Caesar originally served as part of the First Triumvirate with Crassus and Pompey – Caesar governed as an absolute ruler – Others are afraid of Caesar’s growing popularity and power; believe Caesar might abolish the Roman Republic – On Mar 15, 44 B.C., while in the senate chamber, Caesar is stabbed to death in an assassination