The Punic Wars: Part 1. Romans Surrounded by Threats Although Rome was now a thriving city, it was still vulnerable. Rome was surrounded by enemies in.


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Presentation transcript:

The Punic Wars: Part 1

Romans Surrounded by Threats Although Rome was now a thriving city, it was still vulnerable. Rome was surrounded by enemies in Italy, including the Etruscans who wanted to recapture the city and its wealth. Rome had amassed a HUGE army by making its citizens join, but to be truly safe they needed to capture all of Italy.

Roman Expansion and Allies Rome decides to attack and take over the other locations in Italy, defeating the Etruscans completely. Rome allowed areas conquered to rule themselves, but they must obey Roman laws, give soldiers to the Legions and recognize Rome as their rulers. Rome was not alone in Italy. The Phoenician city of Carthage nearby was building an empire in the Mediterranean and had colonies nearby, some on the island of Sicily. Rome and Carthage soon start disagreeing on who controls Sicily.

Origins of the 1 st Punic war Carthage owned part of Sicily, wanted all of it, to be close to Rome… “Small” dispute in Messana, last city closest to Rome. One side of the city went to Rome for aid and the other went to Carthage Carthage was getting too close to Italy and Rome and felt like it to defend itself.

1st Punic War (264 – 250BCE) Majority of the war was fought at sea Rome = great Army, not a good Navy Rome wins because of more/better trained soldiers they could get onto ships via planks. Rome implemented consequences on Carthage: ◦ Give up Sicily and stay away from Italy. ◦ Had to have a Puppet Ruler, someone loyal to Rome. Showed they were a power in the Mediterranean and not to be challenged.

Origins of the 2 nd Punic War Peace Treaty with Rome proved difficult Rome was invading Corsica, expanding Roman territory. General Hamilcar Barca ◦ Fought in Sicily and conquered Spain for Carthage ◦ Despised Rome and wanted to have vengeance for Carthage. HATED Rome! Hamilcar was getting to old for battle, but had some ideas for how to attack Rome. Trained his son in his ideas.

Hannibal Barca Hamilcar’s son, raised in the military. Hannibal was quite young when he became a leader of an army after his father’s death. Military Genius! ◦ Studied both Ancient and Modern Tactics of war. Like Alexander Marched on Italy at the age of 25 Wanted to fight on Carthaginian terms. Wanted to fight in Italy! Did things Rome did not expect, was EXTREMELY hard to fight against. Totally crazy ways to fight.

2 nd Punic War: Hannibal’s Strategy Hannibal's idea: Don’t attack from Carthage, they would see us coming. Instead, march from Spain and cross the Alps and take the backdoor into Italy, take over smaller areas and weaken Rome as much as possible and THEN attack the city. Attacking other areas of Italy = No reinforcements to come help when Rome is attacked. SMART!

2 nd Punic War - Alps Hannibal’s march in to Italy was not easy Roman’s were not prepared for land invasion, never thought someone would clime the ALPS with ELEPHENTS! Crazy! As Hannibal progressed out of Spain, Romans were not “threatened” But they couldn’t seem to stop him either, they knew he was coming. Soon cut off supplies and soldiers from Rome! Rome couldn’t beat him, he was just too smart!

New Consul: Scipio Africanus Ran for Consul once other 2 consuls tossed out. Decided to attack Carthage so Hannibal would have to go back home! Carthage appealed for Hannibal to return and help fight. (It worked!) Hannibal took 2 years to get back to Carthage. Hannibal was able to raise more troops in Italy, decides to go home and help fight Romans at home Rome attacks Carthage and wins against Hannibal!

Results of 2 nd Punic War/3 rd Punic War Turning point for Rome & Republic After defeating Carthage, Rome gained control over all its territory and the majority of the Mediterranean. Eventually, Carthage recovered economically The Roman Senate felt threatened… Rome marched on Carthage, 3 rd Punic War. 3 years of fighting, Carthage city walls were breached Rome was victorious, Carthaginians enslaved. Destruction of Carthage – Salted the Land No more Carthage! Rome now acting like an Empire.