The Origins of Rome Early Inhabitants – Greeks-South and Sicily – Latins-Original Settlers – Etruscans-Northern Italy-alphabet/Architecture
The Early Republic Patrician versus Plebian – Be able to identify the differences between the two – Patrician-Wealthy with Power – Plebian-commoners who gained power via tribunes
Government Under the Republic
Roman Army
Rome Spreads it Power (with Army)
Roman Territory after Punic Wars
The Punic Wars FIRST WAR Battle over Sicily-Rome=winner winner chicken dinner SECOND WAR- Hannibal’s amazing attempt of revenge. Counterattacked by Scipio who attacked Carthage THIRD WAR-Rome Burns Carthage to the ground!
Second Punic War
Third Punic War
Section 2
Economic Turmoil Big gap between rich and poor - Rich landowners lived on huge estates with slaves used to work the lands -Former soldiers had land and could not compete so they were forced to sell the land -Tiberius and Gaius proposed reforms to help poor farmers (limiting size of estates)
Military Upheaval Generals got selfish and tried to seize power. -Recruited soldiers by promising land -Led to lack of loyalty -Generals could now take over via force
Julius Caesar takes advantage He is serves as Consul for a year Names himself Governor of Gaul Was called back to Rome to face charges -Instead he brought his Army Appointed Dictator for life by the Senate
Caesar’s Reforms Absolute ruler-but made reforms - Expanded the Senate -Created Jobs (public works programs) -increased pay for Soldiers(more pay=more loyalty) Senators kill Julius Caesar on the Senate Floor Were in fear of his Power
Beginning of the Empire Caesar dies-Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus take over – Lepidus forced to retire – Marc Antony falls in love with Cleopatra – Octavian defeats Marc Antony after accusing him of wanting to move the Capital to Egypt
Octavian=Augustus Started Pax Romana 3 million square miles and million people Government at its best – Glorifed Rome, paid govt workers, postal system, tax collection – Government Stayed in Place long after he died
Society and Culture Most People in Rome were poor/unemployed Government provided entertainment – 150 holidays a year – Gladiator games, mock battles, races, etc.
Christianity Christians were persecuted by Romans for refusing to worship Roman gods Constantine ended persecution of Christians and accepted Christianity after fighting for leadership of Rome prayed and saw an image of a cross. He won the battle Bishop of Rome=head of Christian (Catholic) Church
The Fall of the Roman Empire The Economy Weakens – Pirates and Barbarians oh my! – No more Gold and Silver – Taxes Raised – Inflation – Farmland gone bad (war and overuse)
Military and Political Turmoil Military – Soldiers less loyal and disciplined – Mercenaries worked for less – Loyalty went bad
Roman People Average citizens loss loyalty
Emperors Attempt Reform Diocletian – Doubled the size of Roman Army – Controlled inflation by fixing prices
Division of the Empire Roman Empire divided into 2 parts East and West (Latin and Greek) Constantine moved the Capital to Byzantium – Closer to his hometown – City was more progressive – More going on on the East Side
The Western Empire Crumbles Always a threat for invasion with 3 million square miles of territory By Land and Sea From the North and East Leads to the eventual collapse of the Western Roman Empire