April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Nucleon-nucleon, p and scattering using factorization: the Aspen Model and analytic amplitude analysis Martin Block Northwestern University
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Outline Part I: fitting tot, values and B, nuclear slopes of accelerator data--p-p and pbar-p-- using a QCD-inspired model (Aspen Model) M.M. Block, E.M. Gregores, F. Halzen & G. Pancheri Part II: global fit using both cosmic ray and accelerator data simultaneously M.M. Block, F. Halzen & T. Stanev Part III: predictions of forward scattering parameters for LHC (14 TeV)--- tot, elastic, , and B
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Part IV-The factorization hypothesis: relating n-n, p and collisions M. M. Block and A. B. Kaidalov Part V-Experimental evidence for factorization, quark counting and vector dominance in n-n, p and collisions, using the Aspen Model M. M. Block, F. Halzen, A.B. Kaidalov and G. Pancheri Part VI-Experimental evidence for factorization, using real analytical amplitudes, for n-n, p and collisions M. M. Block and K. Kang
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Part I: fitting tot, values and B, nuclear slopes, of accelerator data--p-p and pbar-p-- using a QCD- inspired model (Aspen Model) Eduardo, Martin, Francis 3 of 4 authors working hard! Giulia, #4 author M.M. Block, E.M. Gregores, F. Halzen & G. Pancheri
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 We set
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Results of the 2 Fit to and B data from pp and pbar-p vs. energy vs. energy B vs. energy
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Part II: global fit using both cosmic ray and accelerator data simultaneously M.M. Block, F. Halzen & T. Stanev Todor thinking? Francis wearing money tie (for ICE CUBE?)
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 The published cosmic ray data (the Diamond and Triangles) are the problem Accelerator data give good fit
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Fig. 7 X max distribution with exponential trailing edge Monte Carlo Example EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Fly’s Eye Shower Profile Fig. 1 An extensive air shower that survives all data cuts. The curve is a Gaisser-Hillas shower- development function: shower parameters E=1.3 EeV and X max =727 ± 33 g cm -2 give the best fit.
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Extraction of tot (pp) from Cosmic Ray Extensive Air Showers
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Published Fly’s Eye Result: tot ( p-air ) = 540 ± 50 mb, at 30 TeV See R. Engel et al, Phys. Rev. D58, (1998), for tot (p-air) curves, using Glauber theory
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 tot (p-p) vs. inel (p-air) inel (p-air) vs. energy Results of Global Fit, Cosmic Ray and Accelerator Data
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 vs. energy Result of Global fit for tot (pp) and tot (pbar-p), using both Accelerator and Cosmic Ray Data
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Elastic Scattering at the LHC
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 A Useful High Energy Parameterization of inel (p-air) : inel (p-air) = ln s ln 2 s, in mb, s in Gev 2 inel (pair), in mb Cms Energy, in GeV
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 inel (p-air) = 0 [1+ a 0 ln(E lab /1000)], 0 = mb, a 0 = , E lab in GeV. inel (p-air), in mb E lab /1000, in GeV A High Energy Parameterization of inel (p-air), useful for calculating Neutrino Fluxes
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Alexei Consequences of the Factorization Hypothesis in nucleon-nucleon, -p and Collisions, M. M. Block, Northwestern University A. B. Kaidalov, Moscow University
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 all s
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 B c.m.s. energy
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Forward Compton Scattering, using Real Analytic Amplitudes + p +p, with E C subtraction =f + (0) = - /m, Thompson scattering limit, A, , c, s 0 and are real constants to be fit. =0.5 corresponds to a descending Regge trajectory Forward high energy (real analytic) scattering amplitude, f +
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 2 /d.f.=0.98, for 40 d.f., for log 2 (s) fit Using optical theorem,
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 fitted with log 2 s 2 /d.f.=0.06, for 9 d.f
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 , using Real Analytic Amplitudes
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Compton Scattering, using Real Analytic Amplitudes p p, using real analytic amplitudes E (lab), in GeV
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Does factorization depend on using a dipole- dipole form factor? Could we also use a monopole-monopole for , with a monopole-dipole for -p?
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 dipole-dipole dipole-monopole monopole-monopole set nn = Fourier transforms yields energy –independent relation: / 2
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 W(b), dipole-dipole, dipole-monopole, monopole-monopole
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 nn uses dipole-dipole, p uses monopole-dipole, uses monopole-monopole Total cross section and the ratio of elastic to total cross section
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Kyungsik Kang, In Paris To test factorization, we will utilize real analytical amplitudes Part VI: Experimental evidence for factorization, using real analytical amplitudes, for n-n, p and collisions M. M. Block and K. Kang
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Real Analytic Amplitudes even: odd:
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Real analytic amplitudes for p and
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 , using either PHOJET or PYTHIA--data are from L3 and OPAL M. Acciari et al, Phys. Lett. B519, 33 (2001), G. Abbiendi et al, Eur. Phys. J. C14,199 (2000).
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 GOOD GLOBAL FIT BAD
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 pp, pbar-p vs. s
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 pp, pbar-p vs. s
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 -p =(2/3*P had ) nn
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 =(2/3*P had ) 2 nn, L3 and OPAL data, uncorrected with PYTHIA and PHOJET
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 curve: =(2/3*P had ) 2 nn data: L3 and OPAL, renormalized by factor 0.929, using PHOJET
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 solid line: nn = p = dotted line: nn from QCD-Inspired Fit (Aspen Model)
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 d /dt, for “Elastic” Scattering +p +p +p +p +p +p
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Form Factors W(b), for same
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Total cross sections tot and el / tot, for dipole-dipole (n-n), dipole- monopole ( -p) and monopole-monopole ( ) form factors, for same
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Toy eikonal W, for n-n, p and scattering where
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Survival Probability of Large Rapidity Gaps in nucleon-nucleon, p and Collisions M.M. Block, Northwestern University F. Halzen, Wisconsin University Francis, at the table
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 To Prove: Survival is process-independent, i.e., nn = p =
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Survival is process-independent ! nn = p =
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Gap Survival Probability for pbar-p and pp Collisions Gap Survival (%) for nucleon-nucleon, p and Collisions c.m.s. energy
April 4-11, 2003 Frascati Photon 2003 Alexei Consequences of the Factorization Hypothesis in nucleon- nucleon, -p and Collisions, M. M. Block, Northwestern University A. B. Kaidalov, Moscow University Survival Probability of Large Rapidity Gaps in nucleon-nucleon, p and Collisions M.M. Block, Northwestern University F. Halzen, Wisconsin University Francis, at the table