Academic Vocabulary Unit 5 Week 3
Comparative In Class Example: Today it was hot, but yesterday it was hotter! Hot and hotter are examples of comparative adjectives. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: The form an adjective takes when comparing two things.
Superlative In Class Example: Breakfast was good, but lunch was better, but dinner was the best! Good, better, best are examples of superlative adjectives. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: The form an adjective takes when comparing three or more things.
Bibliography In Class Example: The bibliography told Mr. Zanone where the student got their information for their research report. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: A list of writings with the time and place of their publication.
Source In Class Example: The library is a good place to look for a source on animals and their habitats. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: A person or place that supplies information.
Compose In Class Example: Mrs. Bickford taught the students to compose the fractional parts to show how 2/6 is equivalent to 1/3. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: To join fractional parts together to create a larger equivalent fraction.
Quotient In Class Example: Mrs. Miller reminded her class how to find the quotient when dividing two numbers. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: The number obtained by dividing one quantity by another. In 45 ÷ 3 = 15, 15 is the quotient.
Demonstrate In Class Example: Mrs. Brown will demonstrate how to draw geometric figures on the board. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: To show clearly and deliberately; to present by experiments, examples, or practical application; explain and illustrate
Interpret In Class Example: The class will work together to interpret the definitions of the academic vocabulary words. What do you think it means? Dictionary Definition: To explain the meaning of, to understand the significance of; construe.