Please Complete the following: Sign in and please check the appropriate box on the transportation sheet on the back table. Students, please write your preferred name on a temporary name tag (sticky) and place at the desk of your choice. Parents, please locate your child’s folder on the front table and complete the following BEFORE YOU LEAVE. 1. Transportation sheet (if applicable). 2. Emergency contact sheet: indicate any changes and everyone MUST fill out the back side of the sheet. 3. Please return these forms (and any others that you complete tonight) in the TO BE FILED basket by the door. CURRICULUM PRESENTATION WILL BEGIN AT 6:45pm.
Mrs. Glenn and Mrs. Meyn Welcome to 5 th Grade Curriculum Night “This classroom welcomes all, embraces each, supports everyone, and hopes that you find yourself better for having been here.”
Introduction: Mrs. Glenn 17 th year of teaching BA from Grand Canyon University MA from ASU and NAU Have taught grades 4 – 6.
Introduction: Mrs. Meyn 18 th year of teaching BS from Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania Have taught grades K – 5.
Job Share? A partnership between 2 highly qualified, motivated teachers Collaboration, communication and consistency Mrs. Glenn: Monday and Tuesday Mrs. Meyn: Thursday and Friday Alternating Wednesdays
Communication is KEY Please us at: In the subject line, please type your child’s name
Math Math Instruction 90 minutes of differentiated College and Career Readiness aligned instruction Leveled assignments (if needed) Math Series McGraw-Hill My Math CCR Math for Today Standards Decimals (all operations) Fractions (all operations) Multiplication /Division Volume Geometry Students will use all standards in real life problem solving models Math Workshops/Stations WIN Groups
Science Scientific Process Science Experiments Science Fair STEM Challenges Human Body Muscular System Skeletal System Nervous System Earth and The Solar System Planets Objects in sky Gravity Physical Science Properties and changes in matter Motion and forces
Social Studies… The Making of America Native Americans Exploration Colonization Events leading to the Revolution Constitution and Declaration of Independence FREEDOM Civil War
JA-BizTown An exciting feature of the fifth grade year is the ECONOMICS unit of study. Students learn about opportunity cost, scarcity, needs, wants and are involved in the process of completing job applications and resumes. This preparation leads to real life application at “JA-Biz,” a Junior Achievement model city, which the students operate for one day. We are scheduled to visit JA Biz on Wednesday, September 21st. We will be looking for a number of parent volunteers. As the time approaches, we will be recruiting you!
English Language Arts 4-6 week units based on an essential question Harcourt Journeys - reading textbook Integration of Social Studies into reading instruction Uses a variety of literature and genres Reading, Writing and Grammar taught together Spelling-Phonics/Skill based
Accelerated Reader (AR) 4 tests required each quarter 1 written book report or project due each semester If students’ goal is reached they attend the grade level Reward Party quarterly
Homework Nightly homework will be given Monday through Thursday. Check student agendas and our class webpage for weekly homework, upcoming assignment due dates and assessments. Spelling will be assessed on Fridays. Words can be practiced on Spelling City. Quarterly projects (Reading/Social Studies) Independent Reading Nightly Textbooks/Notebooks can go home to be used as a resource
Communication Agendas- used daily to record assignments and events. Weekly Newsletters will be ed and uploaded onto our class webpage weekly. Wednesday Camp Binder - all graded work will be organized in the binder and sent home to be looked at. Students will check grades on Infinite Campus and record in Camp binders. Return on Thursday. Parent/Student Portal-Infinite Campus - Please contact us by at any time! Website-Look on our website for additional information throughout the year.
A few more things… Folder (Health card, , BYOT, Internet Agreement, Rainy Day, PG Movie, etc) Supplies Volunteers (Classroom, Art Masterpiece, Riggs Family Events) Block (Band, Orchestra or General Music?) Safety Patrol (Every Wednesday-Everyone before school; 6 helpers afterschool) ECF (5 field trips-$25-pay on-line-next week) School Hours (8:40-3:10) Meet on basketball court first day
Schedule 8:40-8:50-Attendance, Agenda, Pledge 8:50-9:15-Math for Today 9:15-9:45-5th Grade Block 9:45-11:00-Math 11:00-12:00 Science/Social Studies 12:10-12:50-Recess/Lunch 12:50-2:00- Language Arts/Social Studies 2:00-2:50-Reading 2:50-3:05-Homework Review; Clean-up; Dismissal *Computer/Library every Wednesday from 11:30-12:00pm *Safety Patrol every Wednesday: students arrive at 8:15; sign up for afterschool duty
THANK YOU! We look forward to partnering with you this year!