Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News September 19 th – 23 rd, 2016
Mrs. Kurth’s Classroom News Here is how you can find the first grade links: grade grade Here is how you can find our blog: grade/mrs-kurth/mrs-kurths-1st-grade- class?ltemplate=view&lcommtypeid=7 grade/mrs-kurth/mrs-kurths-1st-grade- class?ltemplate=view&lcommtypeid=7
Dates to Save: September 19 th – 23 rd : Homecoming Week September 23 rd : Green Apple Day September 23 rd : PBIS celebration October 5 th : Walk to School Day October 6 th : Field Trip to Oliver Kelley Farm October 11 th : Picture Retake Day
Mrs. Kurth’s Schedule Day of the Week Digita l Day SpecialistTeacherImportant Reminders Monday3MusicMrs. Sanderson Tuesday4PEMr. WhirleyWear Tennis Shoes Wednesday5Computer and Media Mrs. Kurth (Comp.) Mrs. Verhey (Media) No Computer due to Fast Test Thursday1MusicMrs. Sanderson Friday2PE and Computer Mr. Whirley (PE) Mrs. Kurth (Comp.) Wear Tennis Shoes No Computer due to Fast Test
Tiger Folder Thanks for all the great support with this folder! Reminder: Keep spelling list and weekly planner in the plastic sleeve in the middle of the binder Return folder each day
Great Job 1 st graders! I am so proud of all the hard work the first graders have done in the first 3 weeks of school! I know that there have been many different emotions (for students and parents)! You may have noticed that your child is tired at the end of the day. You may also notice different behaviors at home as well. First grade is a huge change from Kindergarten and first graders often do their best to hold it together all day long that by the time they get home from school they just “let loose”. Please do not hesitate to call or if you have any questions or concerns that I might be able to help with.
Homecoming Week Help us with our school spirit by participating in dress up days: Monday: Pajama Day Tuesday: MN day (Twins, Vikings, Gophers, wild, etc.) Wednesday: Class Colors – Blue (1 st Grade) Thursday: Mismatch Day Friday: Tiger Pride – Orange and Black
Tiger Way Celebration Delano Elementary School supports and encourages positive behavior and relationships. One way we do this is to celebrate the “Tiger Way” Tiger Way: Being respectful, responsible, and safe. Our first celebration is this Friday. 2 students from our class who show respect, responsibility, or safety in a positive way will be recognized at this time. We have many students who have been showing respect, responsibility, and safety. This will be a tough decision for me. Keep up the great work First Graders!
Green Apple Day of Service The Green Apple Day of Service promotes health and well- being through a community and environment connection. Landscapes has once again agreed to partner with us. They will be donating green apples to all Elementary students to remind us of the importance of healthy living. This will take place Friday, September 23 rd. THANK YOU Landscape Structures!!
Spelling Test Our first test was Friday! The 1 st grade goal for spelling is not memorization but rather an understanding of the word patters (i.e. short a words) Corrected tests will go home Mondays. We will be setting individual goals about our spelling list. To begin with we will have 8 words This will increase to 14 by the end of 1 st grade Each child will set his own goal based on how many they get correct Be sure to check the Tiger Folder (spelling pocket) on Mondays for the corrected test and spelling grading explanation.
Book Bags Sent home Fridays Includes about 3 – 4 books and the word wall words list Anthology Book – read just the stories of the week (see the reading section of the newsletter) Book Level Book – Book based on your child’s Reading Level Paper books – Used to emphasize phonics skills being studied Help your child read the stories Read the story TO your child, moving your finger under the words as you read with good expression. Read the story WITH your child. Let your child read the story independently to as many people as possible. Return the bag and books each Monday
1 st Grade Music The music program is using a curriculum called Quaver. With this new curriculum comes an online resource/activity center. Be sure to check out Mrs. Sanderson’s website for videos, games and the link and code to Quaver Music. Mrs. Sanderson's Music Website
Conferences Conference sign ups are available on our website through Sign-Up Genius. If you haven’t already, please click on the Fall Conferences or Winter Conferences link to direct you to the page to sign up. Please let me know if you have questions. Fall Conference Link: Winter Conference Link:
September We will celebrate your child’s birthday here at school If you decide to send store bought treats or goodies please send 25 of them. If it's a weekend day we will celebrate the Friday before or Monday after. We will also celebrate ½ birthdays. If this doesn’t work for you we can celebrate it in May. Please let me know which day you will choose if it falls on the weekend or holiday break. 2 nd : Dylan 6 th : Rowan 13 th : Ellie Fix 27 th : Ella
Upcoming Academics: Upcoming Academics:
Reading : Main Story: The Storm (Realistic Fiction) and Storms Comprehension Strategy: understanding characters; inferences/predictions Phonics: short vowel i; consonants r, h, b, g, s/z/ Grammar : naming words – nouns for people, animals, places, things and action words Writing : Using labels in their pictures
Typically, all spelling words are also found under the 1 st grade page. There are 8 spelling words this week: if, is, him, rip, fit, pin, have, what Your child will also be asked to write a sentence with some of these words in them in addition to words that follow the short i pattern. Be sure to practice other words that have a short i sound so he/she will be prepared for this part of the test.
Skills we are reviewing: writing numbers identify numbers 1-20 count by 1's, 5's, 10's count backwards from 20 count from At home you can ask your child questions like: What number comes before 13? What number comes after 26? When your child is writing a number please make sure they are making it the correct way. Monday : using a calendar Tuesday : weather and using a thermometer Wednesday : number stories Thursday : Unit 1 Math Test Friday Math Explorations Homelinks ((Homework Sheet) will only come home Tuesday this week due to the test
Word of the Week Extra : Each week, your child can receive a sticker for their sticker book by writing down our special word/phrase of the week along with a parent signature. This word helps me to know that you have seen the newsletter! They love stickers! Word of the week: Homecoming
Homework Plan Here is what we expect to have for homework this year: Mondays : Spelling words will come home. Practice these words to be ready for the spelling test on Friday. There are word wall words on the back for practice reading and writing. There is not a WEEKLY test for this. This sheet stays at home for review throughout the week. Tuesdays and Thursdays: Math homework will be sent home. Please return them the following day. Fridays: Book Bags sent home (See following page for more details)
Contact Information Angie Kurth 1 st GradeTeacher – rm ext Classroom Website/Blog: y-school/gradesstaff/first-grade/mrs-kurth