Outline of the presentation Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / Introduction Brief description of the project activities Methodology Outcomes of the project Summary and conclusions
Introduction The main goal of the project: to strengthen the network among the partners as well as to strengthen the co-operation between the higher education institutions involved and with their industry partners in Russia and Nordic countries. The specific objectives of the project: to promote students’ skills to reflect on innovations and to enhance their entrepreneurial mindset, to train students’ understanding of value creation for customers and markets, and to increase the entrepreneurial teaching competences of teachers. The added value of the project: The network of partners having a diversity of approaches in the entrepreneurship education & co-creation of teaching and learning methods
Brief description of the project activities Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / 1.Mikkeli 8/13 (MAMK): Bridging entrepreneurship education between Russia and Nordic countries ( teachers + students ) 2.Odense 1/14 (EAL): Innovation pedagogy aimed at developing teachers’ pedagogical skills by means of creative exercises and games ( teachers ) 3.Odense 4/14 (EAL): Training innovative entrepreneurship in intercultural context 4.Mikkeli 9/14 (MAMK): Sharing of experiences in innovative entrepreneurship education in the partner universities ( teachers ) 5.St. Petersburg 10/14 (FTU & PPU): Intercultural communication and principles of innovative entrepreneurship education ( teachers ) 6.St. Petersburg 2/15 (FTU & PPU): Intercultural communication and learned the Russian business culture ( teachers and students ) 7.Mikkeli 5/15 (MAMK): Summing up the results of the project, analysing the results achieved, discussing the further steps of the cooperation in the frame of innovation entrepreneurship ( teachers )
Methodology Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / i.Assessment of all project activities by the participants was analysed (Kakkonen 2015 a) ii.In addition, the project implementation was analysed in the Nordic- Russian context (Kakkonen 2015 b). iii.Achievement of the project objectives was assessed from the perspectives of teachers and students (Kakkonen & Nemilentsev 2015 a, b). iv.The project was also self-evaluated by the steering group (Kakkonen et al. 2015). v.Finally, the project’s added-value and overall evaluation was analysed by means of the project’s final report (Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme Final Report 2015).
Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / TABLE 1. Feedback from the teachers Mikkeli 08/2013 Odense 01/2014 Odense 04/2014 Mikkeli 09/2014 St.Peter. 10/2014 St.Peter. 02/2015 Programme Organization of the seminar Dissemination of information Materials Scheduling and timing Atmosphere Social programme Networking Outcomes of the project – Feedback of the participants – 1/2
Outcomes of the project – Feedback of the participants – 2/2 Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / TABLE 2. Feedback from the students (as means of the statements) Mikkeli 08/2013 Odense 04/2014 St.Petersburg 02/2015 Programme Organization of the seminar Dissemination of information Materials Scheduling and timing Atmosphere Social programme Networking
Outcomes of the project - Mobility Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / TABLE 3. Activities and mobility of the project EventTimePlace Mamk stud. Mamk prof. EAL stud. EAL prof. PPU stud. PPU prof. FTU stud. FTU prof. Workshop + seminar08/13Mikkeli Teacher training01/14Odense Workshop + seminar04/14Odense Teacher training09/14Mikkeli Teacher training10/14St.Pet Workshop + seminar02/15St.Pet Final seminar05/15Mikkeli Total
Outcomes of the project – Project publications in dissemination of the project results Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / Between 2013 and 2015, 33 project publications including 3 books and 30 refereed research articles or papers of good practices Publications were presented by the authors in the organised small-scale conferences or workshops during the project seminars. The following topics were most often discussed in the publications: innovativeness in learning and guiding, innovative camps, business and entrepreneurship training, innovative approaches in teaching, innovative methods and tools in teaching in the Nordic-Russian context, intercultural teaching and learning environment, intercultural differences in learning innovation etc. (Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme Final Report 2015).
Outcomes of the project – Achievement of the project objectives from the perspective of teachers Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / 1.Inter-university collaboration 2.Strengthening international networking inside each university 3.Development of entrepreneurial teaching competences 1.Level of knowledge 2.Level of skills (i.e. methods and approaches) 3.Level of entrepreneurial mindset
Outcomes of the project – Achievement of the project objectives from the perspective of students Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / 1.Development of students’ innovative skills and entrepreneurial mindset 1.Level of students’ knowledge 2.Level of students’ skills (i.e. methods and approaches) 3.Level of students’ mindset (i.e. belief) 1.Development of students’ understanding of value creation for customers and markets 1.Level of students’ knowledge 2.Level of students’ skills (i.e. methods and approaches) 3.Level of students’ mindset (i.e. belief)
Summary and Conclusion Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / In order to sum up, the project was successful in many ways. The major achievements are listed below: main activities feedback of the participants collected and analysed good outcomes (e.g. publications, mobility) achievement of the planned objectives. Therefore, a continuous project was applied and it received funding. The new project is a one year project and it will go deeper in the innovative pedagogy with the same composition of project partners. The results of the project will be presented in December 2016.
Key References Mikkelin ammattikorkeakoulu / Kakkonen, M.-L. (2015 a). Assessment of the seminars of the project by the participants. In M.-L. Kakkonen & M. Nemilentsev (Eds.), Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in the Nordic-Russian Context, pp Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. Tampere: Tammerprint Oy. Kakkonen, M.-L. (2015 b). Description of the implementation of the project: innovative entrepreneurship in Nordic-Russian context. In M.-L. Kakkonen & M. Nemilentsev (Eds.), Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in the Nordic-Russian Context, pp Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. Tampere: Tammerprint Oy. Kakkonen, M.-L., & Nemilentsev, M. (2015 a). Achievement of the objectives from the perspectives of teachers. In M.-L. Kakkonen & M. Nemilentsev (Eds.), Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in the Nordic-Russian Context, pp Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. Tampere: Tammerprint Oy. Kakkonen, M.-L., & Nemilentsev, M. (2015 b). Achievement of the objectives from the perspectives of students. In M.-L. Kakkonen & M. Nemilentsev (Eds.), Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in the Nordic-Russian Context, pp Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. Tampere: Tammerprint Oy. Kakkonen, M.-L., Burström, M., Tereshchenko, S., and Tereshkina, T. (2015). Self-evaluation of the project by the steering group. In M.-L. Kakkonen & M. Nemilentsev (Eds.), Innovative Entrepreneurship Education in the Nordic-Russian Context, pp Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences. Tampere: Tammerprint Oy. Nordic-Russian Cooperation Programme Final Report Project title: Innovative entrepreneurship in Nordic-Russian context. Project number: NCM-RU/10088.
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