Vision: Every child in every district receives the instruction that they need and deserve…every day. Spring Conference 2014 Bend, Oregon How do you plan for an effective small instructional group during core reading?
Without effective initial classroom instruction and strongly differentiated instruction by classroom teachers, the need for intervention specialists may simply overwhelm school resources because too many students will not make expected yearly progress. Center on Instruction, 2007 Why use skill/s focused small group instruction?
How do you make decisions about small group instruction during core reading to reach the needs of ALL students Targets
1.Development of phonemic awareness and alphabetic principle 2.Ability to decode words 3.Automaticity with enough words 4.Acquisition of vocabulary along with application of reading comprehension strategies 5.Extensive reading of both narrative and expository texts 6.Maintaining the motivation to learn 7.Adequate teacher preparation and materials Regardless of risk factors (socio-economic status or physical impairments) Factors that Influence Reading Development NICHD
Teacher supports students in identifying words & constructing meaning from text Teacher monitors students use of skill & strategy Engages students in thinking about the meaning of the text Provides opportunities for word work to build fluency Systematic & explicit Fast paced Guided ReadingSkill Focused General Types Small Reading Group Instruction
Practice the skill/strategy that was taught during the whole group during small group Ex. Summarizing is taught in whole summarizing with accessible text during small group Catch students up! Provide focused instruction & practice on skills that are missing –May not be within the scope of that grade level’s instruction Ex. Third grade students needs basic phonics (continuous blending with CVC words) 2. Increase Grade Level Skill/Strategy use 1. Reduce Deficit Skill/s Two Types of Skill Focused Small Group Instruction
What is the skill & strategy need? How much time should you spend teaching the skill need versus grade level skill/strategy? What materials should you use? What is the best approach to teach these needs? Decision Making Process for Small Group
Identify the skill & strategy needs? –What is the Big 5 area of need? –What is the targeted skill? –What is the strategy need? Decision Making Process for Small Group
Identify the skill & strategy needs? –What is the Big 5 area of need? Universal screener –What is the targeted skill? Diagnostic assessment –What is the strategy need? Continuum of blending strategies Decision Making Process for Small Group
Vocabulary (voc) Phonemic Awareness Phonemic Awareness Phonics and accuracy Phonics and accuracy Oral Reading Fluency Oral Reading Fluency Determine the Big 5 Area of Need Comprehension CCSS: Foundational Skills CCSS: Reading Literature & Informational CCSS: Language
What is the Big 5 Area of Need? Likely to Need Core Support: (Benchmark)Additional support on the fluency of reading connected text skills: (Strategic) Additional support on reading connected text with accuracy: (Strategic) Additional support on accurate & fluent reading of connected text: (Intensive) Accuracy & Fluency (comprehension) Accuracy & Fluency (fluency) Accuracy & Fluency (accuracy/phonics) Accuracy & Fluency (phonics, fluency, pa)
StudentAccuracyFluencyComposite Miranda Joey Nate Miles Addison Tyler Andrew Determining Skill Need 70% 30Intensive 99% 81 Benchmark 97% 69Strategic 71%38 Intensive 88% 45 Intensive 80% 50Intensive 89%Strategic 2 nd grade students (Winter Data) 80
StudentAccuracyFluencyComposite Miranda Joey Nate Miles Addison Tyler Andrew 70% 30Intensive 99% 81 Benchmark 97%69Strategic 71%38 Intensive 88% 45 Intensive 80% 50Intensive 89%80Strategic Joey Determining Skill Needs: (Benchmark) Accurate & Fluent
StudentAccuracyFluencyComposite Miranda Joey Nate Miles Addison Tyler Andrew Determining Skill Needs : (Strategic) Accurate & Not Fluent 70% 30 Intensive 99% 81 Benchmark 97% 69 Strategic 71% 38 Intensive 88% 45 Intensive 80% 50 Intensive 89%80Strategic Nate
StudentAccuracyFluencyComposite Miranda Joey Nate Miles Addison Tyler Andrew Determining Skill Needs (Strategic) Not Accurate & Fluent 55% 30Intensive 99% 81 Benchmark 97% 69 Strategic 71% 38 Intensive 88% 45 Intensive 80% 50Intensive 89% 80Strategic Andrew
StudentAccuracyFluencyComposite Miranda Joey Nate Miles Addison Tyler Andrew Determining Skill Needs: (Intensive) Not Accurate & Not Fluent 70% 30 Intensive 99% 81 Benchmark 97%69Strategic 71% 38 Intensive 88% 45 Intensive 80% 50Intensive 89%80Strategic Miranda, Miles, Addison, Tyler
Identify the skill & strategy need? –What is the Big 5 area of need? Universal screener –What is the targeted skill? Diagnostic assessment –What is the strategy need? Continuum of blending strategies Decision Making Process for Small Group
GroupNeedAssessment Comprehension skill/strategy (CCSS: Reading Literature & Informational) Strategic Not accurate but fluent Phonics (Foundational skills) Strategic Accurate but not fluent Fluency (Foundational skills) Intensive Not accurate and not fluent Phonics and fluency (Foundational skills) Identify the target skill need/s? Benchmark Accurate and fluent Core assessments Diagnostic phonics assessment
Identifying Target Phonics Skills 95% Group Letter/Sound Correspondence
Phonics Skills: Diagnostic Assessment
Phonics Diagnostic Assessment Kindergarten Tasks 1-4 & 5A Second: Task G Third: Task H First Tasks B-F
First Tasks B-F Second: G Miranda & Miles’ Skill Needs
Skill NeedStrategy Need Big 5 area? Intensity level? Target skill? Miranda & Miles’ Needs Second grade students
Skill NeedStrategy Need Phonics Intensive level Targeted Skill: Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e Miranda & Miles’ Needs Second grade students
What is the skill need? –What is the Big 5 area of need? –What is the targeted skill? –What is the strategy need? Continuum of blending strategies Decision Making Process for Small Group
There is a continuum of blending strategies that can be applied to teaching the phonics skills. Determine what the best blending strategy is in applying the phonics skills that they need to learn –Based on where they are breaking down in their blending mistakes. Determining Strategy Needs
Continuum of Phonics Blending Strategies Templates Sounds/blending 2 9 Sounds-spelling/blending High frequency words3 Determining Continuum of Phonics Blending Strategies Kindergarten/Early First Grade First/Second Grade Kindergarten/First/Second Grade Sounds: (e.g., saying letter sounds) Continuous Sound Blending: (mmmaaat) Reading Sound Spellings: (ai, a_e, oy, ar) Sound by Sound Blending: (p,pl, plai, plain, plain) Word reading spelling focused: (ai, plain) Introduce words Say it, spell it, say it Reading Words: say the word (building automaticity)
General Guidelines: Decodable Text
Skill NeedBlending Strategy Need/Decodable Text Routine Phonics Intensive level Targeted Skill: Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e What are Miranda & Miles’ Blending Strategy Needs? Remember: They passed reading CVC Words & Short Vowel/Consonant blends/Diagraphs ? Second grade students
Skill NeedBlending Strategy Need/Decodable Text Routine Comprehension Need Phonics Intensive level Targeted Skill: Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e Sounds- spelling/blending Sound spellings (#7) Sound by sound blending (#8) Decodable text Decodable text routines (#12/13) Main Idea/Details Miranda & Miles’ Skill Needs
What is the skill need? How much time should you spend teaching the skill need versus grade level skill/strategy? What materials should you use? Decision Making Process for Small Group
How many times it takes to learn something new Above Average Learner Average Truly disabled student Jo Robinson (2008) 4-14 times times times Importance of Active Engagement
Plan for the amount of time in specific materials (Guidelines) Skill Focused Guided Reading Skill Need/s
Skill NeedSkill Focused Time (Foundational) Guided Reading Time (Comp/vocab strategy) Phonics Intensive Level Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e ?? Miranda & Miles’ Time
Skill NeedSkill Focused Time (Foundational) Guided Reading Time (Comp/vocab strategy) Phonics Intensive Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e 3-4 days1-2 days Miranda & Miles’ Time
What is the skill need? How much time should you spend teaching the skill need versus grade level skill/strategy? What materials should you use? Decision Making Process for Small Group
Foundational Skills Development
Differences Learning to Read Estimates from NICHD research Population %Journey to ReadingInstructional Requirements 5Easy: children read before starting school Need no formal decoding instruction 35Relatively EasyLearn to read regardless of instructional approach 40Formidable ChallengeNeed systematic and explicit instruction 20One of the most difficult tasks to be mastered in school Need intensive, systematic, direct, explicit instruction
Core MaterialsPrimary time of instruction Purpose Anchor Text/Anthology Whole groupTeach vocabulary, comprehension skills/strategies Decodables/Sh ared Read (K-2) Whole groupBuild phonics & fluency Leveled Readers Small groupPractice skill/strategy and build fluency/vocab Core Program Primary Materials * Text Types Resource
Benchmark Students Can you cover all components of whole group sufficiently during the whole group? yes No Use core program suggestions for small group (leveled readers ) Use decodables & core program suggestions for small group (leveled readers)
Strategic Students Can the students benefit from the core small group materials or do they need increased focused on foundational skills? yes No Use core program suggestions for small group (Approaching & Struggling Levels) Increase focus on PA, phonics, and/or fluency “Intervention kit” Enhancements Explicit Phonics Lesson
Intensive Can the students benefit from any of the core materials or do they need something outside of the core to address their skill needs? yes No Explicit Phonics Lesson Instructional Level Decodable Text Enhancements Supplemental or replacement core Explicit Phonics Lesson Enhancements
vocabulary/comprehension (leveled readers) Some PA, phonics review, fluency practice Core small group program materials with additional skill focus practice, enhancements, explicit phonics lesson Explicit phonics lesson, enhancements, supplemental, replacement core Practice grade level skills Reteach & practice grade level or slightly lower skills Catch students up
Skill NeedSkill Focused Materials (Foundational) Guided Reading Materials (Comp/vocab strategy) Phonics Intensive Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e ?? Miranda & Miles’ Material
Skill NeedSkill Focused Materials (Foundational) Guided Reading Materials (Comp/vocab strategy) Phonics Intensive Long Vowel Sounds & Silent e Decodable text containing long vowel/silent e from first grade core Struggling/Approachin g Leveled reader Miranda & Miles’ Material
1.Please review Max’s data –Universal Screening Data –Phonics Screener 2.Determine the following Activity: Max
What is the skill need? How much time should you spend teaching the skill need versus grade level skill/strategy? What materials should you use? What is the best approach to teach these needs? Decision Making Process for Small Group
Florida Center for Reading Research (FCRR) –Student Centered Activities for the Big 5 Oregon Reading First –Templates –Lines of Practice Reading Rockets –Articles and videos Anita Archer (Decoding/Phonics) – HqTYYRqv-E%3D&tabid=1408 HqTYYRqv-E%3D&tabid=1408 References
Identifying Target Phonics Skills (95% Group) CCSS: Foundational Skills Phonics