Introducing our Consortium Award winning Project Management Consultancy Over 30 years experience leading similar projects to support development Strong track record in SME and BDS capacity development International network in over 150 countries, including East Africa Access to world class experts, ensuring our team comprises international best practice and local contextualisation 2 Highly skilled at designing, monitoring and evaluating SME development projects, especially with a gender angle International and regional experience - presence in East Africa South - South learning experience and examples from India portfolio that can be applied to SMEF Innovative in-house IT expertise, with a designated “Software Development Unit” Local presence in Somalia Strong partnerships with key stakeholders Access to a wide network of strong local experts Interaction with Business Support networks Training programme development Focus on providing support to women and youth entrepreneurs SME development expertise
Providing technical assistance, training, and coaching to Somali entrepreneurs and investors, as well as BDS and TVET providers Providing support to prospective SBCF grant recipients Permanent presence in Mogadishu, Hargeisa, and Garowe Providing demand-driven mobile outreach services outside these bases, security considerations permitting Budget: US$ 5.2 million Timeframe of operation: 2016 to 2018 Introducing SMEF 3 3 What we are
According to research: Lack of access to markets is one of the most significant challenges facing Somali SMEs (ILO) Skills shortages are frequently mentioned by Somali businesses as a key constraint to growth (World Bank survey) There is an overall lack of good and effective Somali BDS providers (ILO) There is need for specialist BDS providers addressing technical assistance and skills development (Shuraako survey) Introducing SMEF 4 Why are we needed?
Somali Core Economic Institutions and Opportunities Program (SCORE) Funded via World Bank by the Somalia Multi-Partner Fund (MPF) Overall grant amount of US$ 28.5 mill. Relationship with SCORE Component 1 Strengthening Core Economic Institutions SBCF SMEF Component 2 Expanding Economic Opportunities Financing the management and implementation of Component 1 Component 3 Project Management Improve the enabling environment for private and financial sector development Catalyse private investment and job creation 5
SME Facility (SMEF) SMEs 1500 businesses will receive BDS services Individuals 1000 persons will be skilled Retail and/or Wholesale 1-on-1 service / short term experts Service through 3rd parties TVET & other training Women yrs 125 persons will be skilled for employment STEP Pilot (Somaliland only) Track 1: Employment Track 2: Entrepreneurship Women yrs 125 persons will be skilled for entrepreneurship BDS providers TVET & other training 6
Selection Criteria 7 Sectors We will work with SMEs involved in any sector adding value (including Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Livestock, Fisheries, Services and Manufacturing ) Business Profile - At least two years in operation - Employing more than 5 people - Innovative products/processes - Willingness to pay for services Special Considerations - 40% high-growth start-ups with potential to employ at least 3 people - Businesses employing youth/women
Business development training and services Core business skills training and specialised training programmes Consultancy support programmes SME development Coaching/mentoring programmes Technical assistance to SBCF grantees Capacity building/skills upgrade of individuals Promotion of business linkages and matchmaking services Skill young women for employment and entrepreneurship What will SMEF provide? 8
Partners OrganisationKey Partnership Areas SBCF/DAISupport to Grantees, joint monitoring and evaluation, support scheduling and resource sharing. ShaqodoonOutreach support, remote monitoring and feedback Technical skills upgrading. DFID-funded Promoting Inclusive Markets in Somalia (PIMs) Value Chain interventions, information on BDS providers and SMEs for support. GEEL (Growth, Enterprise, Employment & Livelihoods) Project Value Chain interventions, information on BDS providers and SMEs for support. Somali Chamber of Commerce and IndustrySME coordination, information and research. Government MinistriesCommerce, Investments and Industry. TVET, EmployersInternship, technical skills training, attachments. 9
Achievements So far Office in Hargeisa established. Project staff in place. OperationsSTEP Pilot mapping Draft completed, working on Final Inception Report. Partnership mapping, Communication Strategy and Operations Plan completed. Draft Inception Report Initial design of SBCF Grantee application process Over 200 BDS providers have responded to EOI. Induction Training for BDS Providers in Early October List of BDS ProvidersReceiving applications From SMEsLaunch events and town hall meetings Initial mapping of stakeholders and profile of young women for STEP STEP Design workshop conducted. Business and full proposal support process ready. BDS providers shortlist for Somaliland to be completed this September. 50 applications by SMEs to receive TA and BDS. Launch in Hargeisa conducted In August 6 town hall meetings in Somaliland. 10
Questions? 11