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To provide information on seizures and epilepsy; To help you to better recognize different types of seizure activity; To help you to respond to seizures in an appropriate manner.
A seizure is a brief interruption in the normal functioning of the brain that takes the form of a massive release of electrical energy (like an electrical storm). This release of electrical energy and its outward manifestation is what is called a seizure.
Epilepsy is defined as a neurological disease that is characterized by unprovoked, recurrent seizures. An unprovoked (or reflex) seizure and the probability of further seizures similar to the general recurrence risk after 2 unprovoked seizures occurring over the next 10 yrs. i The onset of these seizures can occur without warning at any time in a person’s life.
3 million Americans are diagnosed with epilepsy. Epilepsy strikes most often in the young (under age 2) and the old (over 65 years), although it can develop at any age. 326,000 school age children 15 and under are affected by epilepsy; 90,000 of these children have severe seizures. 570,000 adults over 65 years develop epilepsy.
In 70% of the cases of epilepsy, the cause cannot be determined.
Symptoms of a tonic-clonic seizure include: Loss of consciousness Falling Rigidity Convulsions Shallow breathing Drooling Occasionally, skin may turn blue Possible loss of bladder of bowel control Usually followed by confusion, tiredness and emotional upset Usually lasts 1-3 minutes
Symptoms of an absence seizure include: Pause in activity with a blank stare Brief lapse of awareness Usually lasts 1-10 seconds May be confused with behavioral issues
Symptoms of complex seizures include: Altered awareness Blank stare or dazed look Automatisms: Picking at clothes Lip smacking Chewing Garbled speech Clumsy or disoriented movements Aimless walking
Picking things up Often lasts 1 to 3 minutes Often followed by: Tiredness Headache Emotional upset May be confused with other behaviors
First time seizure Convulsive seizure lasting more than 5 minutes Repeated seizures without regaining consciousness Individual has diabetes or is pregnant Seizure occurs in water or injury is suspected Parents/Guardians request an emergency evaluation If individual is not breathing after a convulsive seizure Non-convulsive seizure lasting more than 5 minutes beyond the normal duration for that individual Follow seizure emergency definition and protocol as defined by healthcare provider in seizure action plan
Sometimes Antiepileptic Drugs (AEDs) are prescribed for patients who tend to have seizure clusters or status epilepticus Several of these include: Ativan® (generic: lorazepam) Versed® (generic: midazolam); now available in a nasal spray Diastat® (generic: diazepam); dispensed as a rectal gel
Abbott Laboratories Manufacturer of: Depakote® (generic: divalproex sodium) Depakene® (generic: valproate) GlaxoSmithKline Manufacturer of: Lamictal® (generic: lamotrigine)
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Manufacturer of: Tegretol® (generic: carbamazepine) Trileptal® (generic: oxcarbazepine) Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical Manufacturer of: Topamax® (generic: topiramate)
Pfizer Manufacturer of: Neurontin® (generic: gabapentin) Lyrica® (generic: pregabalin) Dilantin® (generic: phenytoin) UCB Manufacturer of: Keppra® (generic: levetiracetam) Vimpat® (generic: lacosamide)
Partnership for Prescription Assistance or If you don’t have prescription coverage and can’t afford your medicines. This program is funded by America’s pharmaceutical companies.
895 Central Ave., Suite 550 Cincinnati, OH Phone: (513) Toll Free: (877) Fax: (513) Website: