HEALTH CASH PLAN BENEFIT COMPARISON KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HEALTH SHIELD AND MEDICASH HCP PRICING Health Shield provides 3 pricing options based on number of employees covered. – up to 19, & 100+ Medicash offered 2 pricing options – less than 10 employees and 10+ employees LEVELS OF BENEFIT Increased number of levels. Health Shield plan offers 4 levels of cover compared to Medicash’s 3. PRESCRIPTION BENEFIT Employees claim back per prescription item on a 12 month basis rather than claim up to cashback allowance. Number of items that can be claimed increases with level. FLU JABS Flu jabs is offered as a separate benefit with a cashback allowance starting from £15. Medicash plan bundled Prescriptions, Inoculations and Flu Jabs as one benefit. HOSPITAL BENEFITS – inpatient (per night), day surgery (per day) Employees can claim cashback up to 25 days or nights that they are admitted to hospital per year. MRI, CT AND PET SCANS Health Shield provides a separate benefit line for employees to claim cashback up to an annual allowance. HOME ASSISTANCE COVER Provides up to fourteen hours of paid personal care of domestic assistance after a planned hospital stay of two nights or more. Not available on Medicash plan VIRTUAL GP SURGERY AND PRIVATE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE GP consultation service via phone or webcam, where a GP can also prescribe a private prescription to be delivered to a member’s home or workplace. Not provided
KEY DIFFERENCES BETWEEN HEALTH SHIELD AND MEDICASH HCP BEST DOCTORS Health Shield does not provide this service. Medicash’s plan did provide this service PMI EXCESS Health Shield prices include PMI excess. Employee claims PMI excess back via Specialist Consultation cashback allowance. Medicash plan priced separately to include PMI excess up to £100. EAP Both Health Shield & Medicash plans offer health and stress related helplines. However Health Shield offer up to 8 EAP face to face sessions for an additional charge of 12p per employee per week. ACTIVE CARE AND OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH HELPLINE Health Shield offers a Occ. Health support service to employers that is included within the current pricing. The service is exclusive to Health Shield and provides proactive intervention for stress related absences from day 1 of receipt of a sick note. It also includes an occupational health telephone advice line. OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH PLAN For an additional cost of 30p per week per employee Health Shield can offer a comprehensive occupational health plan including helpline, unlimited access to occupational health management referrals, return to work interviews and health surveillance assessments. ONLINE CLAIMING Employees can claim online via the Members’ Portal for receipt based claim. Payments are processed within 2 working days. DEPENDANT CHILDREN Health Shield covers children up to the age of 21, Medicash covered children under 18. Both plans cover children up to 24 if in full time education. Health Shield covers unlimited number of children, Medicash covered 4 maximum. HEALTH CASH PLAN BENEFIT COMPARISON