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Overview of end-to-end DR solution for the cloud Learn how to setup protection and recover to Microsoft Azure Planning guidance on choosing approaches for common applications
Business continuity challenges
SimpleReliable Extensible Consistent user experience
Backup datacenter data to cloud using System Center Data Protection Manager Backup and recover files/folders from Windows Server 2012 and 2012 R2 Benefits Reliable offsite data protection Simple, familiar, integrated Efficient backup and recovery Easy set up Your On-Premises Datacenter
SQL Server Management Studio Reliable off-site data backup for SQL images Easily restore databases using VMs Benefits Backup and restore database to the cloud
Microsoft Azure Production Data Cloud Snapshots Datacenter-1 Datacenter-2 Periodic VSS consistent cloud snapshots of production data Location independent recovery from cloud snapshot StorSimple Virtual Appliance StorSimple 8000 iSCSI Appliance StorSimple 8000 iSCSI Appliance
Cross-Premises Networking
Public Internet Cross-Premises Networking
DR Orchestration Data Channel
Microsoft Azure ComputeStorageNetworks DR Orchestration
At Scale Protection ConfigurationAutomatically enable replication of virtual machines in VMMCross site Configuration with network and storage mappingAzure based Recovery Plans for DR orchestrationTest Failover support for Recovery PlansRemote monitoring for DR protectionPowerShell integration in Recovery Plans
In-Box Hyper-V VM ReplicationNear Sync support, low RPO of 30 secsStorage AgnosticSupport for DR scenario (Planned, Unplanned, Test Failover)Tertiary Replication SupportNear Sync Replication to Azure (via Azure Site Recovery)
Multi-database Failover across SQL Server InstancesMultiple secondary copies (4/8)Sync (max 2) / Async supportAvailable in SQL 2012 and SQL 2014Supports Site-to-Site or Site-to-Azure IaaS VMNo shared storage neededFast Manual/Automatic FailoverPowerShell Support
Workload TypeSQL TierApp TierSQL Tier DR Recommendation App Tier DR Recommendation DR Orchestration Recommendation Tier 1 Workload/Business Critical Physical/ClusteredPhysicalSQL Always On Availability Groups Storage DR/Active App Tier on Secondary Azure Automation Tier 1 Workload/Business Critical Physical/ClusteredVirtualSQL Always On Availability Groups Hyper-V ReplicaAzure Site Recovery Tier 1 Workload/Business Critical Virtual/ClusteredVirtualSQL Always On Availability Groups Hyper-V Replica
Workload TypeSQL TierApp TierSQL Tier DR Recommendation App Tier DR Recommendation DR Orchestration Recommendation Tier 2 WorkloadVirtual/ClusteredVirtualizedHyper-V Replica Azure Site Recovery Tier 2 WorkloadVirtual/Stand- alone VirtualizedHyper-V Replica
Microsoft partnered with Riverbed® for early tests ~70% data reduction on traffic to Azure On-prem WAN optimization appliance sends optimized traffic to virtual appliance in Azure Replication always over HTTPS
Overview of end-to-end DR solution for the cloud Learn how to setup protection and recover to Microsoft Azure Planning guidance on choosing approaches for common applications
For More Information Microsoft Azure Azure Site Recovery KeithMayer.com Microsoft Virtual Academy Become a “Hybrid Cloud” Early Expert!
Unit that fails over together Defines a collection of VM that will be recovered together. Typically models an application. Dependency modelling Specify the order in which the VMs of a recovery plan need to be booted by using groups. VMs of same group failover in parallel. Shutdown is in reverse order of recovery to ensure 0 data loss. Extensible Recovery plans Add custom actions to a recovery plan in between the groups.
Test Failover Recover the VM to Azure without affecting the primary site workload. VM can come up in an isolated environment. Planned Failover Recover VM by safely turning off the VM on the primary site and sending latest changes. Ensures 0 data loss. VM boots up on Azure. Active location changes to Microsoft Azure. Unplanned Failover Without primary site operations Recover VM when the primary site is no longer reachable. May have data loss. VM boots up on Azure. Active location changes to Microsoft Azure. Unplanned failover with primary site operations Attempts to shutdown VM and send latest changes. If attempt fails, goes ahead with the recovery to ensure better RTO.