Fís Foghlaim Forbairt www. pdst. ie © PDST 2016 This work is made available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Licence You may use and re-use this material (not including images and logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Licence.
www. pdst. ie Ms. Gabrielle Moran Deputy Principal, Eureka School, Kells. Mr. Adrian Dungan Deputy Principal, St. Gerard’s School, Bray.
www. pdst. ie MLL/WSE The School Plan: Mission Statement School personnel Post-holders + duties Prefects Students’ Council The School Plan
www. pdst. ie Members of the BoM Members of the Parents’ Assoc. All School Policies The School Plan
www. pdst. ie A Guide to Subject Inspection - DES website ●Random but follow regional schedule ●2 week notice ●One or two days with up to two lessons per teacher (a double class = 1 lesson) ●Information form filled in in advance ●No individual lesson plans required ●An outline of scheme of work for year i.e. geography dept plan ●Any collaborative planning ●Info can be sent electronically in advance prior to inspection SUBJECT INSPECTIONS
www. pdst. ie What happens in a subject inspection? ●Introduction ●Observe what happens ●Look at copies/notebooks ●Any document provided by teacher ●Engage with the students ●Write notes on observations ●Feedback given that is confidential SUBJECT INSPECTIONS
www. pdst. ie Incidental experience, the ‘drive-by’? ●Totally random ●Looking at student, teaching, classroom experience and/or evidence on a specific day ●Normally not first lesson ●Schedule of visits posted ASAP ●Classroom engagement same as subject inspection ●No written report ●Oral report on overall findings based on lessons observed INCIDENTAL INSPECTIONS
www. pdst. ie The follow through inspection ●Normally within 3 years ●2 day notice period ●Review implementation recommendations ●Document reviews ●Class visit (possibly) ●A short report appended to the published report FOLLOW THROUGH INSPECTIONS
www. pdst. ie WSE-MLL ●3 in-school inspection days ●Review of collaborative/departmental planning ●Potential classroom visit (25 lessons on average over 3 days) ●3 week notice period ●Classes to be visited posted on day ●Procedure similar to incidental experience WSE-MLL
www. pdst. ie Principal and Deputy Post Holders/Teachers (random group) Students (Council, Prefects, random group) Parents (2 reps) BoM Programme co-ordinator Focus Groups
www. pdst. ie Includes - JCSP, TY, LCA & LCVP ●5 days notification ●Carried out by one inspector over 2 days (depending upon size of school, timetabling, number of teachers involved and scope of inspection) ●Need to ensure coursework-related materials are available. ●Inspector meets with principal, programme co-ordinator, staff and focus group of students. ●Classroom visits, generally not more than two per teacher, follow. ●Oral feedback given relating to learning, teaching and student experience. Programme Evaluation
www. pdst. ie What’s observed and expected? ●Evidence of planning - individual and collaborative ●Individual planning as expressed in classroom, students’ work, fieldwork etc. ●Any collaborative planning evidence (meetings, minutes, subject/curricular planning plans, teaching resources) ●Whole-school & department planning (SSE/SIP reflected) ●Lesson structure and clarity and learning intention ●Active engagement (student’s are not passive and I’m not the active one) and participation LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….
www. pdst. ie ●Balance between teacher and student inputs - who is doing the talking, working ●Behaviourist, constructivist, socio-cultural ●Variety of experiences (responding to Q’s, discussion, pair and/or group work, tasks, application of skills, co-operative learning, not looking for tokenist group work) ●Continue the variety of experiences (visual stimulus, individual attention, review and provision of homework) ●ICT for learning as opposed to teaching only ●Assessment of learning LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….
www. pdst. ie ●Evidence of differentiation (in intention, questioning, tasks, formation of groups, homework tasks) ●Literacy and numeracy (whole-school approach translated into practice) and evaluation impact ●School self-evaluation (evidence in terms of practice) ●Classroom atmosphere ●Classroom routines ●Seating arrangement LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….
www. pdst. ie ●Classroom management ●Dealing with challenging behaviours ●Mutual respect and relationships ●What is it like in this class ○Is what they are learning clear? ○Are they learning it? ○Level of collaboration ○Subject folder - curricular plan ○Subject plan - what does it mean? ○A working document LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….
www. pdst. ie ●Subject Department ○A co-ordinator (post or voluntary? be a subject teacher) ○Provision to meet ○What is on the Agenda (books, exams, teaching and learning) ○Collaborative review of SEC results ○Ideally looking at actively, engaged teachers ○Moving beyond the static plan and looking at strategic targets or priorities embracing or complementing whole-school initiatives LOOKING AT …. LOOKING FOR ….
www. pdst. ie Quality Assurance - the Inspectorate Code of Practice Inspection reports - right to reply and appeal under legislation Education Act, 1998 Section 13 (9) Options 1, 2 or 3 Timing (6 months approx.) Inspection Reports
www. pdst. ie Affirmation of good practice Supporting teaching and learning Creating a culture Subject reflection and collaboration What about your role as DP’s? Using the Process Positively