Video Linked Teaching at Massey Not just video conferencing …
Project objectives…
Project start up… since 2008 … lots of paperwork and focus groups … gathering academic requirements, business cases, tender processes and applying Prince2 project management tailored for Massey and VLT
Finding the best rooms available …
Technical design…
Room plans …
Ready to go… …
Beginning the build…
Designing the lectern …
Lectern & furniture make a difference … ferenceLectern
VLT – What’s it all about? Synchronous multi-location, multi-mode teaching Multi-location: Albany VLT - Manawatu VLT - any VC suite - online Multi-mode: Internal – distance Flexible teaching Interactive teaching
What do VLT classes look like?
The first class looks a bit like this!
Warwick & Brennon’s class…
Sanjay & Jane’s class…
Sarah, Karl & Annemarie’s Business Internship class…
Usage of the Video Linked Teaching Rooms in Semester One live sessions fully facilitated by ITS and supported by CTL 0 failures during live sessions – the pre-session setup is essential 66 total hours live over sessions ranging in duration from 2 to 3 hours 33 hours over 11 sessions for CoHSS paper hours over 8 sessions for CoS paper hours over 5 sessions for CoB paper hours over 1 session for Academic Board Plus many hours making, testing and practicing … the project board would like to thank our suppliers as well as our Massey staff and students who ensured this initial trial was such a success.
Audio visual the principle component…
VLT Training…
Supporting VLT…
Flexible teaching & learning…
Learning design implications?
Ready for the VLT launch…
What next? Complete the rooms for the semester 2 pilot and close the project Apply lessons learned in the VLT rooms to other teaching and learning spaces Semester 2 professional development! Bespoke curriculum design for VLT? Case studies from pilot classes VLT activities and teaching methods development ‘Preset’ room layouts for certain styles of teaching or classes Evaluation project – qualitative feedback from students & staff, online survey A third facility on the Wellington campus?